Transgender Health
Recent papers in Transgender Health
Access to trans-affirmative mental health care can contribute to the well-being of the trans community. Historically, the psychiatrization and pathologization of trans and non-binary people has led to interventions which have negatively... more
This article discusses the acquisition of a physical impairment/disability through voluntary body modification, or transability. From the perspectives of critical genealogy and feminist intersectional analysis, the article considers the... more
Les personnes trans et non-binaires accèdent aux services en santé mentale pour diverses raisons : questionnements identitaires, soutien au processus de transition, détresse psychologique (Gaudette, 2020). La littérature sur les... more
ABSTRACT This research, situated at the junction of feminist, trans and disability studies, examines the limits of intersectional feminist analyses and the difficulties faced in their consideration of gender identity and ability through... more
The health care needs of people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) have received significant attention from policymakers in the last several years. Recent reports from the Institute of Medicine, Healthy People 2020, and... more
This expert guide to working with transgender and gender variant youth offers ways to make positive change to service provision for practitioners working with this group. Based on the latest research, the recommendations made by the... more
We aimed to assess the Minority Stress Model which proposes that the stress of experiencing stigma leads to adverse mental health outcomes, but social supports (e.g., school and family connectedness) will reduce this negative effect.We... more
This paper offers a discussion of the rationale for the creation of sports categorization criteria based on sporting genealogy and the gendered body, as proposed by Torres et al. in their article 'Beyond Physiology: Embodied Experience,... more
Using a narratological framework, we examined how gender roles and stereotypes affect experiences of transgender and gender-nonconforming college students. Six participants were interviewed about navigating their gender identity... more
Quote from the review: "As well as giving complex accounts of embodied subjectivity through emphasis on intersectional analysis, the second Reader makes evident how transgender studies has moved beyond poststructuralist perspectives on... more
This report provides the main analytical results of a survey distributed to gender minority students (i.e. transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming) in Irish higher education (Third-Level Programmes). The survey touched upon... more
I was given the assignment to write a paper connecting Jay Prosser's 1998 "Second Skins: The Body Narratives of Transsexuality," specifically the chapter titled A Skin of One's Own: Toward a Theory of Transsexual Embodiment, and a more... more
Participants needed! I am conducting a study of attitudes toward transgender individuals, an important area of research to understand how to improve transgender healthcare. ¨ Please consider participating if you are a licensed and... more
Minha vontade aqui, neste texto, é, primeiramente, trazer um brevíssimo histórico sobre teorias escritas por homens cisgêneros das ciências sobre a transexualidade e, então, constranger suas perspectivas patologizadoras com as narrativas... more
venido llevando a cabo toda una serie de acciones y movilizaciones dentro de la campaña internacional Stop Trans Pathologization destinadas a eliminar la consideración de la transexualidad como enferme
Collective memory work allows participants to recall, examine, and analyze their memories and experiences within a broader cultural context to see how their individual experiences link to collective, shared experiences of similar and/or... more
This work identifies transgender oriented image memes as a dataset that reflects transgender lived experience, minority stress, and resilience. In this analysis of transgender memes, four themes were identified: Community, Bodies,... more
Counting Ourselves is the first comprehensive national survey of the health and wellbeing of trans and non-binary people living in Aotearoa New Zealand and was conducted from 21June till 30 September 2018. We worked with a diverse... more
Migration studies in post-Apartheid South Africa have maintained a strong focus on cross-border mobility while often narrowing health-related research to HIV/AIDS concerns and framing gender in woman-oriented approach with a gradually... more
In this brief, semi-scientific paper, the author describes and journals a short experiment upon himself involving the self-administration of female sex hormones with the purpose of observing their effects on his mind and body, with the... more
Il testo vuole incarnare una possibile mediazione tra universi culturali lontani ed essere una lettura propedeutica per chi intenda addentrarsi nella tematica, lasciando che la fede cristiana s’interroghi liberamente sul ‘gender’. Un... more
SOURCE: Baril, A. (2021) “Detransition, Re-transition, Interrupted or Discontinued Transition: All the same thing? A critical and philosophical reflection on the notion of detransition,” Symposium: “Detrans” or the Phenomenon of... more
"When a disaster occurs in a community, it does not selectively choose which population or group would incur the highest extent of devastation; it affects everyone in the community with variations based on the vulnerabilities and... more
This talk was given in Theory Driven Research to Master of Public Health students. I focus on three theories/frameworks and describe how I have engaged these theories/frameworks in my research.
How have biomedical innovation, regulation, and distribution of pharmaceutical testosterone prescribed to trans men created new forms of medical, community, and individual surveillance of masculinity and masculinization? Our systematic... more
Source: Baril, A. (2020). “La Condizione Trans Come Debilità: Ripensare le intersezioni tra le incarnazioni disabili e quelle trans” (“Transness as Debility: Rethinking intersections between trans and disabled embodiments”), KABUL... more
Se trata del Relevamiento de Infancias y Adolescencias trans de Río Negro y Neuquén, realizado durante el año 2020 y parte del 2021, y coordinado por el Observatorio de DDHH de Neuquén, dependiente de la Subsecretaría de DDHH de la... more
Parent support is considered crucial for the health of transgender and gender-nonconforming (trans/ GNC) children, yet little research has focused on how to support parents and caregivers. This study considered the experience of... more
REFERENCE: Baril, A., M. Silverman, M.-C. Gauthier and M. Lévesque (2020). “Forgotten Wishes: End-of-life documents for trans people with dementia at the margins of legal change,” Special Issue: On the Margins of Trans Legal Changes,... more
Purpose The purpose of this research project was to obtain a global picture of osteopathic dysfunctions found in transmen who have undergone surgical gender reassignment, by studying more specifically the repercussions of mastectomy,... more
Documento guía de práctica clínica, destinada a médicxs y otrxs integrantes de los equipos de salud, que tiene como objeto sistematizar una serie de recomendaciones, con la mejor evidencia disponible, sobre tratamientos de modificación... more
WPATH Board confirming that sex (gender) reassignment, properly indicated and performed as provided by the Standards of Care, has proven to be beneficial and effective in the treatment of individuals with transsexualism, gender identity... more