Intercultural Education
Recent papers in Intercultural Education
While the role of culture in second and/or foreign language (L2/FL) learning and teaching has often been unquestioned, empirical research on culture learning and teaching in L2/FL education has been less common than opinion-oriented... more
Le Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les Langues (CECR) : une approche favorable à la transmission de compétences interculturelles. Analyse critique et impact dans le contexte de l’enseignement du français langue de scolarisation,... more
Given the prominence of Muslim veils—in particular the hijab and full-face veil—in public discourse concerning the place of Muslims in Western society, we examined their impact on non-Muslims’ responses at both explicit and implicit... more
En el presente artículo se indagan las características que adoptan las políticas Educación Intercultural ilingüe (en adelante EIB) en Argentina, a travésdel análisis de su aplicación en los territorios provinciales de... more
La scuola, oggi più che mai, deve aprire un dibattito sui "mondi diversi" per avere un visione di insieme del bambino/ragazzo e delle forme in cui si rendono possibili gli apprendimenti in un'ottica di continuità educativa sia orizzontale... more
Despite all the advances in educational technology, basic principles of the educational setting still apply. By going virtual we expand the group of students who can have intercultural collaborative experiences, but this adds the issues... more
This article presents the responses given in several schools of the 1st Cycle of the Basic Education Level (children aged 6 to 10 years) of the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon relating to the issue of integration of immigrant children and... more
The presence in the classrooms of students from different cultural and religious traditions has been an important challenge for the Spanish educational system. With the aim of analysing how cultural diversity is taken care of and... more
Verona, Tocatì - Festival Internazionale dei Giochi di Strada, 2018 L'incontro è dedicato a raccontare quattro esperienze nelle quali soggetti diversi dell'amministrazione, della scuola e della società civile, puntando al benessere ed... more
Les enseignantes et enseignants, à travers leur appropriation pédagogique des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) se trouvent – quelquefois émerveillés – au milieu de l'Océan. Derrière eux, il y a tout ce qu'ils ont... more
Les visites scolaires au musée signifient la rencontre entre deux institutions de transmission culturelle majeures de notre société. Bien que l’école encourage et valorise les déplacements au musée, rien dans le programme scolaire... more
DE ALLÁ PARA ACÁ es una serie documental infantil ganadora del Concurso Nacional del INCAA “Series Documentales para ser emitidas por canal Paka Paka (2014)”. La serie forma parte de la grilla de contenidos del primer canal educativo y... more
Ashura: a children’s feast in Morocco: from old agricultural rituals to nowaday’s entertainment, PowerPoint prepared for a project in Global Education of the Humanities Education Centre, London, 2008, 29 slides.
This contribution intends to present a research project centered on "second generation" parents. The aim is to highlight how to focus the pedagogical attention on the "intercultural mediation strategies" - acted by parents of non-Italian... more
Esta tesis doctoral trata uno de los temas que más ocupa -y preocupa- a los profesionales de la educación ante la llegada de alumnado de origen inmigrante a los centros educativos de nuestro país (especialmente si se encuentra en... more
The article analyzes the issue of educational practices focusing on narration and autobiography. The theoretical and methodological framework used is that of intercultural education and action research in education. In this perspective,... more
Teaching about sustainability through North-South school partnerships inevitably brings students into contact, directly or indirectly, with the ‘Other’ and there is an urgent need to develop an ethical approach to this work in order to... more
For artists, scholars, researchers, educators and students of arts theory interested in culture and the arts, a proper understanding of the questions surrounding ‘interculturality’ and the arts requires a full understanding of the... more
Este artículo es una refl exión sobre los estereotipos y la realidad intercultural sur/norte en esta era contemporánea. El propósito de este escrito es contribuir tanto a la demolición de los aparatos fabricadores de otredades... more
This paper describes the theoretical model developed to support the online intercultural learning environment of the "Incontro" project. This project was designed to develop intercultural competences of Italian and American students in an... more
The author takes a retrospective look at his book Religious Education: An Interpretive Approach, first published in 1997, and now available to readers, open access, via the European Wergeland Centre website... more
Growing importance is being given to the political and ethical dimensions of language education, and in particular to the relationship between language learning and intercultural communicative competence. We examine in this paper the main... more
El presente libro Ética, educación y convivencia. Fundamentos teóricoprácticos está elaborado por varios profesionales de la educación, especialistas en el campo de la investigación y la práctica educativa. A lo largo de nueve capítulos... more
"The main objective of this project was to investigate the link between Canterbury Christ Church University (CCCU) in the UK, and Goodwill Children’s Homes (GCH) in Tamil Nadu. Mutual, intercultural learning activities have been in... more
In una società come quella contemporanea ‒ in cui lo sguardo verso gli altri è spesso caratterizzato da pregiudizi e stereotipi ‒ educare a conoscere, comprendere, rispettare e valorizzare le differenze è diventato un compito... more
This paper reviews existing evidence on how the intercultural competence of young people can be promoted by schools. It begins by examining the concept of intercultural competence, and the values, attitudes, skills, knowledge, and... more