Artificial Intelligence and Law
Recent papers in Artificial Intelligence and Law
A profound irony now engulfs that AI software industry. In order to create AI programs to meet universal ethical standards, they must install those standards into the minds and belief systems of AI research program managers, AI... more
O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar aspectos da relação entre inteligência artificial e atos processuais mais simples, para isso trata de enfoque prático acerca dos atos processuais que podem ser robotizados pelas tecnologias de... more
The use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) has permeated every profession, sector and facet of life. Although it has been slow in its application to legal practice in Nigeria, the prospect of ICT in law is promising and... more
The paper provides an OWL ontology for legal cases with an instantiation of the legal case Popov v. Hayashi. The ontology makes explicit the conceptual knowledge of the legal case domain, supports reasoning about the domain, and can be... more
In both private and public justice systems, online dispute resolution (ODR) technologies are profoundly affecting people’s access to justice and redress and the nature of their procedural experiences. Automation and artificial... more
During the last years member states and EU agencies have turned to AI-powered applications to find solutions to some of the problems arising in the context of asylum procedures and this, in turn, is giving rise to a number of legal issues... more
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the legal and ethical issues raised by the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in predicting criminal behavior. In fact, ever since Cesare Lombroso’s L’uomo delinquente, scientists, on... more
In today’s world Mobile security is a big concern for everyone because with the lateral advancements in the mobile systems the security is still an area of opportunity. Now day’s Mobile phones are used for Banking, Shopping, Storing the... more
The EU Product Liability Directive (Directive 85/374/EEC-PLD) provides for strict liability of producers for defective products. This paper examines its applicability de lege lata and de lege ferenda to software updates of automated... more
Selection of an industrial robot for a specific purpose is one of the most challenging problems in modern manufacturing atmosphere. The selection decisions become more multifaceted due to continuous incorporation of advanced features and... more
Automobiles are the technological innovation that has most influenced the 20th century’s social, economic, and legal structure. More than 100 years after the introduction of the auto, in an era again displaying extensive technological... more
Becoming Artificial is a collection of essays about the nature of humanity, technology, artifice, and the irreducible connections between them. Is there something fundamental to being human or are humans simply biological computers?
A computação tem apresentado um crescimento exponencial, sendo interligada a este fator a evolução da inteligência artificial e seu crescente uso em diversas áreas e nos mais diversos lugares, que vão desde os centros de pesquisa mais... more
In a friendly interdisciplinary debate, we interrogate from several vantage points the question of “personhood” in light of contemporary and near-future forms of social AI. David Gunkel approaches the matter from a philosophical and legal... more
Games can be used as simulations to check the effectiveness and viability of an Artificial Intelligence technique. In this study, a competitive RoShamBo AI is developed and its performance is measured using the first International... more
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of computer science branches and is used to solve problems with symbolic reasoning. Expert systems (ESs) are one of the prominent research domains of AI. We developed declarative, online procedural... more
Die Polizei erprobt Methoden künstlicher Intelligenz bei Videoüberwachung und Datenauswertungen. Dieser Beitrag untersucht anhand der jüngst reformierten Polizeigesetze, wie das Polizeirecht den Einsatz von KI sachgerecht einhegen kann.... more
Yapay Zeka bütün kuralları değiştiriyor. Çalışma kitabını edinin. Yapay Zeka yeni kullanılmaya başlanan bir alandır. Bir başka deyişle, işletmeler yeni Yapay Zeka teknolojilerinde uzmanlaşırken bir yandan da yeni müşterilerin... more
La Direzione, d'intesa con l'Editore celebra, con questo "Speciale Venticinquennale", i 25 anni di vita della rivista Notariato, affrontando un tema di grande rilevanza per il presente e soprattutto per il futuro del Notariato, come... more
Robots are now associated with various aspects of our lives. These sophisticated machines have been increasingly used in different manufacturing industries and services sectors for decades. During this time, they have been a factor in... more
The book under review here, Defeasible Deontic Logic, consists of thirteen pa-pers and an introduction, dealing with the combination of the two themes deontic reasoning and defeasible reasoning. Many of the papers are quite technical and... more
Using textual analysis methodology with Hofstede's cultural dimensions as basis for cross-national comparison, the manuscript explores the influence of cultural values of trust, transparency, and openness in Nordic national artificial... more
Machine Learning has become a popular tool in a variety of applications in criminal justice, including sentencing and policing. Media has brought attention to the possibility of predictive policing systems causing disparate impacts and... more
This article provides an assessment of the interplay between copyright, contract freedom and antitrust law in the current digital platform economy, as it was settled by the European legal strategy for a (fair) digital single market. It... more
The paper proposes the results of a research industry project concerning predictive maintenance process optimization, applied to a machine cutting polyurethane. A company producing cutting machines, has been provided with an online... more
In the field of computer vision, Automatic detection of human emotions is a topic of great importance. In the past, researchers used facial expression recognition (FER) systems for extracting emotions from face expressions. In this... more
52 Pa ra un co no ci mien to más pro fun do so bre los con fron ta mien tos y pos turas sos te ni das por am bos pro yec tos, véa se Grau bard, Step hen, El nue vo de ba te so bre la inte li gen cia arti fi cial. Sis te mas sim bó li cos... more
In this paper, we analyse the structure of evolving moral dilemmas with an eye of regard for the increasing importance of the role of artificial intelligence in such context. Starting with the analysis of the famous trolley problem... more
Comunicação apresentada no Webinar "IA e Robótica: Desafios para o Judiciário", integrado no Projeto "Desafios da IA e da Robótica para o Direito" integrado no JusGov - Centro de Investigação em Justiça e Governação (E-TEC/DH/Jus-Lab), da... more
Rapid development and use of artificial intelligence ('AI') is creating significant regulatory challenges in many domains. In the intellectual property sphere, Stephen Thaler's Artificial Inventor Project ('AIP') is challenging... more
Concerns about “black box” machine learning algorithms have led many data protection laws and regulations to establish a right to human intervention on decision-making supported by artificial intelligence. Such interventions are presented... more
The present publication is the first volume in a series on “Intellectual Property, Practice and Analysis”. It is dedicated to draft guidelines for examination of trademarks in “Sakpatenti”, the National Intellectual Property Center of... more
Reasoning about causation in fact is an essential element of attributing legal responsibility. Therefore, the automation of the attribution of legal responsibility requires a modelling effort aimed at the following: a thorough... more
This book has sought to bring together two seemingly unrelated topics; Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Nigerian Legal System. The aim was to explore ways they can affect each other, and how the disruption of AI can be managed with... more
The quest to explain the output of artificial intelligence systems has clearly moved from a mere technical to a highly legally and politically relevant endeavor. In this paper, we provide an overview of legal obligations to explain AI and... more
Master's thesis on algorithmic copyright enforcement, tackling technical, legal and philosophical issues.
Despite its promises, there is reluctance towards incorporating AI, not only in Arbitration, but the legal sector at large. Such reluctance emerges, not from a preference of conventional and cumbersome methods of legal practice, but from... more
The digital transformation is disrupting the financial sector. Venture capital, private equity and hedge funds are also affected. We see more and more firms implement emerging technologies in their investment process. There are several... more
Her ne kadar yapay zeka (AI), ve yapay zekanın şirketler ve sektörler üzerindeki itici güç olarak olası etkileri için duyulan heyecan hızla yayılıyor olsa da, şirketlerin yapay zekanın avantajlarından nasıl yararlanacaklarına dair... more