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It is a mistake to think that we cannot be morally responsible for forgetting because, as a matter of principle, forgetting is outside of our control. Sometimes we do have control over our forgetting. When forgetting is under our control... more
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      Directed forgetting (Psychology)ForgettingMemoryMoral Responsibility
By a wealth of indicators, ignorance appears a bona fide if often vexing social fact. Ignorance is socially constructed, negotiated, and pervasive; ignorance is often socially inevitable, even necessary; and, without a doubt, ignorance is... more
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      Sociology of KnowledgeEpistemologies of IgnoranceSociology of power and knowledgeIgnorance
The Epistemic Bubble, taken as a cognitive concept, was first conceived by John Woods as a form of knowledge-immunization that inhibits the agent from clearly distinguishing what she knows from what she believes she knows. In recent... more
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      EpistemologyIgnoranceEpistemic Bubbles
The clash of ignorance thesis presents a critique of the clash of civilizations theory. It challenges the assumptions that civilizations are monolithic entities that do not interact and that the Self and the Other are always opposed to... more
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      MulticulturalismIntercultural CommunicationTheologyConflict
Weil sie Problem und Lösung zugleich sind, entpuppen sich Fusionen in der Praxis gemeinhin als kompliziertes Geflecht aus Erwartungen und Enttäuschungen. Im einen Fall mündet ein solches Geflecht in eine produktive Zusammenarbeit, indem... more
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      Mergers & AcquisitionsSociology of OrganizationsMergers and AcquisitionsIgnorance
Este trabajo aborda un episodio muy polémico e ilustrativo que ha tenido lugar en el complejo ciencia y tecnología propio de las sociedades occidentales contemporáneas. Se muestra así que en el debate general sobre las posibles... more
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      Social ChangeFood SafetyKnowledge ManagementScience Communication
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      Sociology of KnowledgeRace and RacismKnowledge and PowerEpistemologies of Ignorance
An elected politician is assassinated in the street by a terrorist associated with extreme political groups, and the national response is to encourage picnics. Thousands of people are held in prison-like conditions without judicial... more
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      Race and RacismMigration LawImmigrant DetentionCritical Whiteness Studies
This edited collection explores the moral and social dimensions of ignorance. The volume addresses such issues as the relation between ignorance and deception, ignorance as a moral excuse, ignorance as a legal excuse, and the relation... more
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      EthicsEpistemologyJustifications and ExcusesKnowledge
Nike had been criticized for sourcing its products in factories/countries where low wages, poor working conditions, and human rights problems were rampant.
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    • Ignorance
In my paper I search for ethical answers to the threat of biodiversity caused by human interventions. I start with discussing the role of socioeconomic factors for the destruction of biological diversity, and examine the importance of... more
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      Environmental EthicsBiodiversity ConservationEthics and SustainabilityIgnorance
Nel gioco di carte Machiavelli o Ramino machiavellico, il cui nome deriva dal noto filosofo, ogni giocatore ha inizialmente in mano 10 o 13 carte francesi nascoste agli altri giocatori, può pescare ad ogni turno una carta da un mazzo... more
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      EpistemologyBounded RationalityCognitive EconomyIgnorance
Recent years have seen a surge in publications in epistemology of ignorance. In this article I examine the proliferation of the concept ignorance that has come with the increased interest in the topic. I identify three conceptions of... more
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      Epistemologies of IgnoranceIgnorance
ONLINE COST-FREE DIGITAL EDITION. 49 PAGES. 28 PICTURES. FIRST EDITION 2021. OVER 5,500 READS. Not a wise professor at the Wise faculty at the University of Virginia. Loss of her faculties? Charlatanism? Rookie's error? Seems like all of... more
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      Scottish HistoryJewish HistoryGenetic GenealogyJewish genealogy
Abstract: The metaphysics of sex and gender is of significant philosophical, social, and cultural interest at present. Terms like transgender and cisgender have come into wider circulation in the fight for gender justice. While many are... more
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      Queer StudiesFeminist TheoryTransgender StudiesFeminist Philosophy
Isabel Archer, the heroine of The Portrait of a Lady (1996), a brilliant female figure in the world's literary gallery, has aroused interest of critics and the public ever since the novel's publication. It seems that Henry James aims at... more
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      English LiteratureIgnoranceInnocenceWeakness
Ituring na leksiyon ang karanasan ng pananamantala ng kapwa upang hindi na maging biktima uli.
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      ExploitationIgnoranceApolinario Villalobos
An overview is presented of what I take to be (some main aspects of) the role of the intellectual virtues within the epistemological enterprise. Traditionally, the theory of knowledge has been thought to be central to the epistemological... more
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      EpistemologyEpistemic ValueIntellectual VirtueIgnorance
What might early Buddhist teachings offer neuroscience and how might neuroscience inform contemporary Buddhism? Both early Buddhist teachings and cognitive neuroscience suggest that the conditioning of our cognitive apparatus and brain... more
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      BuddhismMetaphysicsFree WillCompatibilism and incompatibilism
Selected contributions from the Harvard - Paris conference 2015
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      HistorySociologySocial TheoryArt History
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      AnthropologyMedical AnthropologySocial AnthropologySocial Networks
This thesis is a philosophical response to Arthur Zajonc’s (2013:90) statement that “[e]ducation has as its high purpose the eradication of ignorance”, in which I argue why and how contemplative education can offer a comprehensive means... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy of EducationSocratic MethodWisdom
This volume has its roots in two recent developments within mainstream analytic epistemology: a growing recognition over the past two or three decades of the active and social nature of our epistemic lives; and, more recently still, the... more
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      EpistemologyFeminist EpistemologyConspiracy TheoriesSocial Epistemology
Tirant profit d‘une enquête inédite et d‘un cadre comparatif original, nous entendons révéler la représentation de l‘histoire nationale chez 5 425 résidents de pays occidentaux. Des Canadiens, des Américains, des Britanniques et des... more
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      HistoryPublic HistoryPerceptions of the PastSocial and Collective Memory
XI. Ridículo, ignorancia y malevolencia. El tratamiento de lo cómico en el «Filebo» de Platón * Bernat Torres Morales 1. La presencia de lo cómico en el argumento y la acción dramática del Filebo En el Filebo de Platón cabe decir que se... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyHumorPhilebus
The clash of ignorance thesis presents a critique of the clash of civilizations theory. It challenges the assumptions that civilizations are monolithic entities that do not interact and that the Self and the Other are always opposed to... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationConflictThe SelfThe Other
Organizations pursuing development of their competences must balance the pursuit of mastery in the present against the potential of innovations that may enable success in the future. In the present, key competences can be identified as... more
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      IgnoranceMedical IgnoranceDisclosing
It is commonly accepted-not only in the philosophical literature but also in daily life-that ignorance is a failure of some sort. As a result, a desideratum of any ontological account of ignorance is that it must be able to explain why... more
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      Virtue EpistemologyEpistemologies of IgnoranceIgnoranceValue of Knowledge
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What is it for a group to be ignorant? This is the question we answer in this chapter. After a few important distinctions regarding ignorance, we provide two case studies of group ignorance: fundamentalist ignorance and white ignorance.... more
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      Philosophy Of RaceReligious FundamentalismEpistemologies of IgnoranceFundamentalism
This book offers a comprehensive philosophical investigation of ignorance. Using a set of cognitive tools and models, it discusses features that can describe a state of ignorance if linked to a particular type of cognition affecting the... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceApplied EthicsOnline Communities
In the economists’ old conception of a market, perfection would arrive when all participants had complete knowledge. However, economists and psychologists have lately realized that ignorance and bias more accurately describe the state of... more
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      FinanceAnthropologyFinancial MarketsAlgorithmic Trading
In migration, people are accumulating resources in contexts where the primary ethnographically imagined totality for shaping identity through exchange is not one's relationship to a finite totality of family knowledge. Instead, the... more
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      CapitalismExchange TheoryIgnoranceAnthropology of Ignorance
This article provides an analysis of the problematic of foresight in traditional Chinese thought, articulating it with current developments in the epistemology of futures studies, planning theory, and strategic management. It is argued... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessInformation SystemsManagement
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      HistoryEconomic HistorySociologyHistory of Ideas
In this paper I discuss various hard cases that an account of moral ignorance should be able to deal with: ancient slave holders, Susan Wolf’s JoJo, psychopaths such as Robert Harris, and finally, moral outliers . All these agents are... more
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      Free Will, Moral ResponsibilityNormative EthicsMoral PhilosophyFree Will and Moral Responsibility
By explaining the argument from ignorance in terms of the presumption of innocence, many textbooks in argumentation theory suggest that some arguments from ignorance might share essential features with some types of presumptive reasoning.... more
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      EpistemologyArgumentationArgumentation TheoryProof and Reasoning
This article offers an analysis of ignorance. After a couple of preliminary remarks, I endeavor to show that, contrary to what one might expect and to what nearly all philosophers assume, being ignorant is not equivalent to failing to... more
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The aim of this paper is to provide a conceptual basis for the systematic treatment of uncertainty in model-based decision support activities such as policy analysis, integrated assessment and risk assessment. It focuses on the... more
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      Management ScienceIntegrated assessmentRisk assessmentPolicy Analysis
Willful ignorance is an important concept in criminal law and jurisprudence, though it has not received much discussion in philosophy. When it is mentioned, however, it is regularly assumed to be a kind of self-deception. In this article... more
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This is a draft paper for the forthcoming Oxford Handbook on Assertion, edited by Sanford Goldberg. In this paper, I explore to what extent ignorance is assertable. Any comments are welcome!
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      EpistemologyBeliefsNorms of assertionKnowledge
Human geographers investigating socio-environmental change in resource frontiers often encounter illicit activities occurring alongside the licit processes they study. These encounters pose logistical challenges to conducting research and... more
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      Human GeographyResearch Methods and MethodologyPolitical EcologyKnowledge
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      Social PolicyPovertyIgnoranceIlliteracy
In 1972, the US Navy installed a base for nuclear submarines in the Archipelago of La Maddalena off the northeastern shore of Sardinia, Italy. In response, Italy established a radiation surveillance program to monitor the impact of the... more
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      Disaster StudiesHistory of TechnologyEnvironmental HistoryHistory of Science
Ius vigilantibus scriptum est / Nec stultis solere succurri / Ignorantia iuris. Roman jurist Papinian paraphrased his master’s saying and incorporated it into the imperial rescript. The maxims: Scaevola’s "vigilantibus iura scripta sunt"... more
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      Civil LawLegal HistoryRoman LawEuropean Legal History
This article aims to bring organizational ignorance to the attention of management scholars and practitioners and thereby initiate the development of a managerial perspective on the unknown. Although managing every aspect of the unknown... more
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