Arab Culture
Recent papers in Arab Culture
Conceptual Models of Nursing familiarizes students with a broad range of nursing models and their roles in global nursing practiceA detailed overview of nursing theory development familiarizes new students and reorients graduate students... more
يبحث هذا الكتاب في الآراء الفلسفية لأحد متكلمي مدرسة البصرة الاعتزالية الكبار معمّر بن عباد السُلَمي. فإلى جانب عرض و تحليل وافيين للنصوص التي وصلتنا من كتب المقالات، قمنا بنقد موضوعي لنظريات المستشرقين الشهيرة التي تعيد فكر معمّر... more
The Nahda (“awakening”) designates the project of Arab cultural and political modernity from the early nineteenth to the early twentieth century. Arab models of nationalism and secularism, as well as Islamic revival, spring from Nahda... more
Th is paper focuses on the ever-growing popularity of scenes depicting and referring to hashish and marijuana use in Egyptian cinema. It argues that a shift in attitude and in the overall depiction of these substances has emerged in more... more
Project report for Connection and Imagery: Transnational Cultural Flows and the Arab Gulf, Economic and Social Research Council Transnational Communities Programme.
The paper discusses the literary osmosis between Arab culture and English literature, more precisely it subtracts the issue of influencing and being influenced between the writers in the two cultures. As it shows the influencing on the... more
This research discusses how Arabic Poetry can be reenacted through the medium of Poetry films. It gives an account of the different movements of Arabic Poetry, and how the role they played in the Arab and Egyptian culture has changed over... more
Casusluk ve istihbarat savaşı, şüphesiz ki çok eski zamana dayanmaktadır. Bilinen ilk casusluk hikâyesi, Talmud’da yazıldığına göre Rahab, dünyanın gördüğü en güzel üç kadından biridir (Megila 15a). Special Issue: Culture and Conflict in Palestine/Israel Abstract: Excessive redevelopment and gentrification in Jaffa produced liminal extra-territories which serve as... more
"While the Israeli Arab population includes a plurality of cultures, all Arabs share a very traditional, conservative view of sexuality. Family Life and Sex Education has only recently been considered possible within the Arab school... more
Disgusted with ISIS, some Kurds turned away from Islam following the fall of Mosul in 2014. Many became atheists, while others sought comfort in Zoroastrianism. Zoroastrianism, according to converts, was the “original” religion of the... more
The results of a groundbreaking research project into the Gulf Arab Management Style. This research report contains important insight into using the Gulf Region’s unique attributes and capabilities to deliver sustainable competitive... more
While the Arab world struggles with current issues in Iraq, the Gulf, Syria, and the never-ending Israeli-Palestinian relations; the recent murders of an Egyptian University student and of a Jordanian University student, illustrate what... more
Purpose: This study describes perceived stress and coping strategies as they occur within a college-aged population from an Arab background. Variables were compared between psychology students and their peers from other faculties.... more
هذه المقالة هي محاولة لدراسة القضية الفلسطينية من خلال دراسة الإنسان العربي والثقافة العربية - الإسلامية، بمعنى أنني سوف أحاول أن أجيب عن الأسئلة التالية: لماذا فشل العرب في إنقاذ فلسطين من براثن الحركة الصهيونية ومشروعها الاستيطاني... more
During the onslaught of the Islamic caliphate on Kobanî, Syria, media outlets across the globe broadcast pictures of brave and often unveiled Kurdish women fighting the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), a quintessentially male... more
The evolution of the Afroeurasian world-system which in the 'long 16 th century' was transformed into the global World System comprised both economic and political components, some of which are discussed in the present article. Earlier... more
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABSTRACT Indo Arab ties are age old reality which can be traced back to even pre-Islamic era. In the present situation in... more
This course provides an interdisciplinary overview of the cultures of the Arabic-speaking peoples of Southwest Asia and North Africa from the rise of Islam in the seventh century to the present. Readings include historical, religious,... more
This study investigates the meaning of 'culture' and the various implications of this concept in the context of Arabian culture. A special attention has been paid to the religious and heritage features of Arabian culture and their... more
Black Morocco: A History of Slavery, Race and Islam chronicles the experiences, identity, and agency of enslaved black people in Morocco from the sixteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century. It demonstrates the extent to... more
The author collects and organizes under a critical point of view the widest range possible of sources available in Arabic and Neo-persian language regarding the Iranian festival of Sada. A subsequent reading and accurate review of said... more
ناك مثل شامي قديم يقول: ”أول الرقص حنجلة“... يقدم كتاب يوميات شامية قراءة لحالة تاريخية لمجتمع مدينة دمشق ينطبق عليها هذا المثل الشعبي هي القرن الثامن عشر. فقد بيّنت الدراسات الجديدة للمجتمعات العثمانية في المراكز العمرانية الرئيسية،... more
Course Description: This course examines the categories of gender, sexuality, and culture in the modern Middle East. Through weekly readings in history, sociology, literature, and other disciplines, in-class discussion, film viewings, and... more
The Arab Spring struck the Middle East to the core as popular uprisings landed in Tunisia then Egypt, Libya followed suit after Yemen, yet the course of events was doomed when the process was held up in Syria, bringing the issue of... more
Jornadas del Día de la Mujer “La mujer magrebí y sus retos en sociedad”, con la conferencia “Mujer y cuerpo en Túnez: sociedad y cultura”, por la Universidad de Alicante, celebradas el 8 de marzo de 2016