Recent papers in Goldsmiths
Il libro presenta un’indagine sistematica sui tesori appartenenti agli edifici religiosi della città di Randazzo, in provincia di Catania e nasce dall’esigenza di dare un contributo allo studio della sacra suppellettile in materiale... more
Pontificia Università Gregoriana - Lezione "Il restauro della Crux Vaticana o Croce di Giustino II" , 19 dicembre 2011, ore 17.
In der St.-Joseph-Kirche in Charbrow bei Leba ist ein einzigartiges Ensemble von zwölf Sargbeschlägen erhalten geblieben, die ursprünglich eine Sargausschmückung der Mitglieder der Familie von Somnitz bildeten. Der Bestattungsort der... more
This paper identifies Open Jazdów in Warsaw as a model for an alternative production of social space in contemporary urban environments. The attempt will be made to present co-management as a type of governance that enables city dwellers... more
The parishes from la Garrotxa manage to form a remarkable set of liturgical objects of gold and silver during the XVI and XVII centuries. Pastoral visits allow us to study their evolution and content, as well as being a stimulus for the... more
Ján Szilassy (1704 – 1782) from Levoča is considered to be the most famous and most productive baroque goldsmith and enameller of Upper Hungary. Regarding the importance and number of his high quality preserved works, he was shown a... more
The article discusses the history of the Imperial Easter egg «Tsarevich» manufactured by Faberge on Easter 1912 for Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. The full text of the letter by Eugene Carlovich Faberge (1874–1960), the eldest son of Carl... more
Who instigated the development of the production of silverwares in seventeenth-century Dublin: the city’s goldsmiths or their consumers? This paper presents the burgeoning market for silver among consumers in early-seventeenth century... more
Cet ouvrage rassemble quinze articles explorant les deux aspects, distincts mais imbriqués, de la fabrication et de la réception des œuvres d’orfèvrerie à l’époque gothique. Embrassant la période qui va du début du XIIIe au début du XVIe... more
Relazione letta in occasione della inaugurazione della Monreale School of Arts & Crafts.
14 settembre 2015
14 settembre 2015
This study is devoted to the emotional experience of the famous Renaissance sculptor, goldsmith, and writer, Benvenuto Cellini (1500–1571), as it is portrayed in his life writing, the Vita. Providing the variety of arguments on the... more
The history of electronic dance music is a long and colourful continuum. Since its inception in the underground house, garage and disco scenes of Chicago and New York, it has developed an ever-increasing matrix of techno-tools and... more
Reservados todos los derechos. De acuerdo con la legislación vigente, y bajo las sanciones en ella previstas, queda totalmente prohibida la reproducción y/o transmisión parcial o total de este libro, por procedimientos mecánicos o... more
1. Bevezetés: a kincs előkerülési helye, előkerülési körülményei és kutatástörténete 1.1. Miske Kálmán és a helyszín Az Alpok keleti nyúlványát jelentő velemi Szent Vid hegy szűkebb környezetét az utóbbi másfél évtized topográfi ai... more
Диссертация представляет собой первое исследование иконных окладов с фигуративными изображениями середины XVI – первого десятилетия XVII века, выполненных в кремлевских мастерских. В работе впервые суммируется и систематизируется весь... more
Artículo sobre los objetos de platería y joyería del Santuario de Illescas, Toledo, en la publicación colectiva La Caridad reina. 50 años de la Coronación canónica de la Virgen de la Caridad, Santuario de Nuestra Señora de la Caridad de... more
Count Pere II d’Urgell (ca. 1339/1343-1408) is one of the most outstanding artistic promoters of the gothic centuries. He, along with his wife, Margarida de Monferrato (1364-1420), set in motion an artistic policy that was developed in... more
The task is to investigate the genesis and implementation of Art Nouveau in the works by the world-famous jewelry firm of Fabergé. Actuality of the problem is caused by appearance and accumulation of a huge amount of Faberge articles in... more
La conquista romana del Mediterráneo oriental y de Egipto amplió los horizontes de los mercaderes ítalo-romanos como nunca antes. A los pocos años de ocupar el territorio, eran cientos las caravanas y barcos que partían anualmente hacia... more
Il presente lavoro, incentrato sulla storia del lavoro e dei lavoratori nel mondo romano, si propone di ricostruire, attraverso l'epigrafia monumentale, l'identità e il profilo socio-economico di alcuni individui vissuti a Mutina o nel... more
Tra i materiali recuperati dalle rovine della città romana di Emona, situata sulla riva sinistra del fiume Ljubljanica nel luogo dell'odierna Ljubljana in Slovenia centrale, appare un curioso oggetto in bronzo, finora inedito ( . Esso è... more
This article is concerned with a conspicuous number of reliquaries and other liturgical vessels produced in Venice during the 14th and 15th century. It aims to show the importance of the ornamental apparatus for fully understanding this... more
Comitatus: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies 39 (UCLA, 2008): 155-198.
Although the presence of gold and silver smiths at central places is revealed by drops of metal, crucibles, etc., actual workshops are difficult to identify. This is partly due to the large size of the sites, of which just small areas... more
plete, grazie alla quale «on pouvait étudier [...] les phases principales du grand art de l'émaillerie» 79 , e lo stesso collezionista aveva generosamente contribuito con una vasta scelta di opere anche alla mostra Musée retrospectif di... more
A study on the last phase of Giuseppe Valadier's activity, through the analysis of the baptismal font and the Custody of the Sacred Cradle of the papal Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome. Sante Guido, " L'ultimo Valadier: il fonte... more
The article deals with an unpublished reliquary of St George the New Martyr of Sofia, which belonged to the collection of Kremikovtsi Мonastery. It is mentioned in several publications from the late 19th century until the middle of the... more
The study shows a list of marks used in XIX century by the goldsmiths of Como and its district. Marks have been collected from documents delivered to local administration and, until now, have been found only on little objects reserved to... more
The Crux Vaticana or Cross of Justin II The Crux Vaticana and ‘Byzantine’ Rome The Crux Vaticana, the reliquary-cross of the passion of Our Lord, is as much a celebrated object as it is an enigmatic one. Its long-awaited restoration has... more
This paper deals with two unpublished reliquaries from the Troyan monastery collection, which contain the relics of St. Januarius and St. Theodore Stratelates. They both are hand-shaped, which makes them extremely rare among the other... more