Friedrich Hölderlin
Recent papers in Friedrich Hölderlin
9 Premessa 11 Premessa alla seconda edizione LINGUA PENSIERO CANTO 17 Prima lezione. La lingua e l'informazione 18 § 1. L'essenza e l'indole 23 § 2. Il format della lingua 29 § 3. La prestanza del segno 36 § 4. L'informazione 47 Seconda... more
This book recalibrates literature’s political role for the 21st century by excavating the deep history of storytelling as a civic agency. From Aristotle to Arendt and from the novella to the video story, short narrative forms hence become... more
The transcript of the film The Ister (2004), co-directed with David Barison.
in: U. Baatz und G. Biffl (Hg.): Gesellschaft, Staat, Gewalt. Was uns zusammenhält. St. Pölten: NÖ Forschungs und Bildungsges.m.b.H (NFB), 2017, 99-104.
An unfinished essay written in the wake of my course entitled "Writing In The Wake of Disaster" (Autumn Semester 2009). This is a theorization of the content and theme of the course, which demonstrated that undergraduate non-majors can... more
La questione romantica. Rivista interdisciplinare di studi romantici
Nuova Serie Vol.12, n.1-2 (2020)
Nuova Serie Vol.12, n.1-2 (2020)
La capacidad simbólica es, sin duda, el soberano pilar fundacional del ser humano desde los techos de cavernas de la Prehistoria, con gráciles representaciones donde aparecen las primeras simbolizaciones en los tiempos iniciales que... more
Der Philosoph Dieter Henrich ist vor allem berühmt für seine Forschungen zum deutschen Idealismus sowie für sein Konzept der Konstellationsfor-schung, 1 das für den Bereich der philosophie-wie der literaturwissenschaft-lichen Forschung... more
Friedrich Hölderlin compose il frammento "Se il poeta è anzitutto padrone dello spirito…" (noto anche col titolo redazionale "Sul procedimento dello spirito poetico") per sé, senza l’intenzione di darlo alle stampe. In poche pagine, di... more
Аннотация: Георг Гейм-поэт, стоявший у истоков экспрессионистской лирики и заложивший основы поэтики этого направления. Его творчество, однако, является малоисследованным в российском научном пространстве. Одной из основных особенностей... more Two Studies of Friedrich Hölderlin shows how the poet enacts a radical theory of meaning that culminates in a unique and still groundbreaking concept of revolution, one that begins with a... more
In this essay, I explore the writings of Jon Kabat-Zinn, the founder of the mindfulness-based stress reduction program, to discern in them a moral framework that provides a narrative arch of human decline and restoration through greater... more
Tesis para la obtención del grado de Licenciado en Filosofía, año 1998, Universidad de Arte y Ciencias Sociales, Arcis. Tutor de tesis profesor Miguel Vicuña Navarro. En líneas generales es una aproximación al texto "Serenidad" de Martin... more
DOERR Georg (1 2) ; Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s) (1) University of Venice, Ca' Foscari, ITALIE (2) Eberhard-Karls-Universität in Tübingen, ALLEMAGNE Résumé / Abstract After introductory remarks,... more
Dieser Beitrag widmet sich den spätesten Gedichten ("Turmgedichte") Friedrich Hölderlins, dessen Werk als Dichtung des Offenen gelten kann. Dieses Grundwort seines Denkens findet sich immer wieder an wichtigen Stellen seiner Texte: Der... more
This innovative book aims to create a 'poetics of Church' and a 'religious imaginary' as alternatives to more institutional and conventional ways of thinking and being 'Church'. Structured as a spiritual and literary journey, the work... more
After rethinking about the French interpretations of the relationship between Celan and Heiddegger, I wanted to (re)post this chapter of my 2003 PhD thesis ( I... more
RESUMEN La poesía como nostalgia. Georg Trakl, considerado, junto a Rilke, como el máximo poeta lírico del siglo XX en lengua alemana, nace en Salzburgo el 3 de febrero de 1887 (muere en 1914) en lo que entonces era el Imperio... more
Fra gli elementi naturali ritratti nella poesia di Friedrich Hölderlin, il fiume è uno dei più ricorrenti e significativi. Tema centrale di poesie come Der Mayn, Der Nekar, Der Rhein, Am Quell der Donau e Jezt komme, Feuer! (nota come Der... more
This essay offers the reader a unique interpretation of Heidegger's notion of authentic destiny as it develops in the Hölderlin lectures and essays written in the 1930s through the 1950s. Ultimately, for Heidegger, the destiny of Germany,... more
A turning point in Peter Handke's career following a deep crisis of writing, the text Die Lehre der Sainte-Victoire (1980) represents a fundamental transformation of the writer's poetological project and material practice of writing. The... more
An interpretive essay on Fichte's Closed Commercial State, included in the translation published by SUNY Press.
But because the word, once it is spoken, slips out of the protection of the caring poet, he alone cannot easily hold fast in all its truth the spoken knowledge of the reserving find and of the reserving nearness. That is why the poet... more
Hölderlin's philosophical conception structures itself upon two insights: the indivisibility between sensibility and reason, such as potentially thought in the Platonic idea of beauty, and the Spinozistic inspired view of a unity... more
Hölderlins B earbeitung des Orpheus-Todes in der Odenfolge Muth des Dichters -Dichtermuth -Blödigkeit"" Wer sich literaturwissenschaftlich mit Texten Friedrich Hölderlins aus einandersetzen möchte, sieht sich von vornherein mit der... more
In Das Kapital lesen schreibt Althusser, dass "die Philosophie Spinozas eine theoretische Revolution anstößt, die in der Geschichte der Philosophie keine Vorläufer hat und wahrscheinlich die größte philosophische Revolution aller Zeiten... more
1 Desidero qui ringraziare i professori Fabrizio Desideri e Remo Bodei per l'attenzione che hanno dedicato al mio lavoro, il professor Roberto Diodato per il suo affetto, anche da lontano, il professor Guido Boffi perché, senza di lui,... more
What does it mean to define a poem as “living” or “alive”? How, if at all, is it possible to capture life, the living element, in a poem? Is it not true that poetry, qua talis, is a “living language”, different from the “dead”... more
The string quartet Fragmente-Stille, an Diotima from 1979 is described as a turning point not only in Luigi Nono’s oeuvre, but also in the history of musical modernism. Often, the reception focuses on the surprise of having these... more
Resumen: Propongo en este artículo pensar la dimensión trágica de la poesía como la senda intermediaria entre el destino y el arte, respondiendo a la siguiente cuestión: en una perspectiva idealista, de su concepción de lo trágico,... more
Among the many words Heidegger explores in order to elucidate his primary matter for thought, one would not likely expect Schmerz (‘pain’) to play a prominent role. And yet, in a selection of notes recently published in a limited German... more
En este trabajo intentaré recorrer las reflexiones heideggerianas sobre el arte y la cosa partiendo de la pregunta griega sobre la physis y la téchne. El objetivo de las siguientes páginas pasa por demostrar la enorme importancia que para... more
Den Ausgangspunkt der Dissertation bildet die Differenz zwischen Metrum und Rhythmus in der Elegie Der Wanderer. Semantische Wendepunkte werden durch rhythmische Abweichungen vom Metrum inszeniert, „klassizistische“ Schemata der... more
Dem Aufsatz liegen folgende Fragen zugrunde: Ist es gerechtfertigt, vom Erbe der tragischen Darstellung des Kampfes im Hegelschen Begriff der Philosophie und insbesondere in seiner Konzeption der Dialektik als Be- wegung und... more