Feminist Geography
Recent papers in Feminist Geography
This article addresses some of the opportunities and challenges the Afro-Caribbean American author faced whilst researching Afro-Caribbeans in Britain. Despite perceptual insiderness as an Afro-Caribbean person, the author’s positionality... more
In this collection, several authors – ranging from early career to well established academics – consider the role of women and the female voice in academia. This compilation developed from a conference session organised by the Supporting... more
On 25 February 1999, Guatemalans received the much anticipated report of the United Nations-sponsored Commission for Historical Clarification (CEH), Memory of Silence, which detailed wartime atrocities and decades-long American support of... more
edited collection, D. Conlon and N. Hiemstra (eds.) (2016)
Ausgabe der Feministischen Geo-RundMail Nr. 85 (April 2021) zum Thema "feministische digitale Geographien". Mit Beiträgen zu den Themen: digitale Arbeit, Platforum Urbanism, gig economy, digitale Methoden, feministische digitale... more
This article addresses the life and works of a virtually unknown lady explorer, Octavie Renard-Coudreau (1867-1938), who continued an Amazonian exploration 'alone' after the death of her husband, the maverick French geographer Henri... more
This article analyzes how documentaries and docudramas about the homicides of 1,500-plus women in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico offer competing narratives about the respectability of victims, yet reinforce the “virgin-whore” dichotomy and their... more
This paper analyzes the role of Black agrarians in resisting systemic racism within the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). My central argument is the class-action lawsuit, Pigford et. al., v. Glickman, levied by Black farmers... more
anarchistische geographien stellt die erste umfassende deutschsprachige Publikation dar, in der geographische Perspektiven und Konzepte mit Kämpfen, Praktiken und politischen Ideen von Anarchismen zusammen gedacht werden. In den Beiträgen... more
We would like to thank our colleagues and friends at the South Sudan Women's Empowerment Network for their support for our research and their comments on this article. We would also like to thank all the women we interviewed who... more
This paper argues that the figure of the migrant has come to be seen as a potential terrorist in the West, under the condition of a double, but completely opposed, set of crises internal to the nation-state.
Tesis de Licenciatura en Geografía. Orientación humanístico-social. [Introducción]
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras - Universidad de Buenos Aires
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras - Universidad de Buenos Aires
ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies Vol 14, No 4 (2015) Table of Contents Themed Section: The Sexual Politics of Austerity Introduction: The Sexual Politics of Austerity Cesare Di Feliciantonio, Gavin Brown... more
Feminist geographers have criticized affective and non-representational geographies for not taking into account social differences. This paper brings feminist accounts of emotion and affect into dialogue with affective and... more
ACME, Vol 2, No 2 (2003) Table of Contents Themed Sections: (1) Borders and Immigration (2) Critical Forum on Empire | Various Articles Equality, Justice and the Problem of International Borders: The Case of Canadian Immigration... more
Co-curators' essay, to accompany the exhibition 'Shaping Geographies: Art | Woman | Southeast Asia', held at Gajah Gallery, Singapore, 2019-2020. Featuring ten contemporary women artists and one contemporary women’s artist collective, all... more
Christopher Neubert: Manure Politics: Making Space for Modern Agriculture in the Landscapes of Everyday Life (Under the direction of Sara H. Smith)
Relatively high wages and the opportunity to be part of an upscale, globalized work environment draw many in India to the call center industry. At the same time, night shift employment presents women, in particular, with new challenges... more
DESCRIPTION Brings political geography to life-explores key concepts, critical debates, and contemporary research in the field. Political geography is the study of how power struggles both shape and are shaped by the places in which they... more
What might it mean to think of 'the single' as a potentially queer subject and in what ways does singleness pose a challenge to heteronormative conceptualizations of the lifecourse and household formation? In this paper I explore some of... more
This paper emerges from experiences of using participatory visual methods in my own on-going PhD research with women experiencing homelessness and housing issues, and draws upon the methodological issues encountered along the way. In... more
The Rest: Geographies of the everyday between affect, emotions and representation
The entry begins with a definition of geography and with a description of what the discipline shares with the other social sciences and what makes it distinctive among them. Terminological clarifications are provided with regard to the... more
Update: If you'd like to watch an accurate, funny, and brief take on Eco-Nihilism, please go to #wisecrack on Youtube: Did South Park Turn Anti-Capitalist, where the central argument from Eco-Nihilism is quoted at several junctures:... more
“Akşam eve döneceğimiz saate göre rota belirlemek, evden çıkarken şehrin nerelerinden geçeceğimize göre kıyafet seçmek gibi gündelik hayatımıza dair ayrıntılar yanında bir de pek görünür olmayan konular var: ekonomik imkânlarımız... more
Intersectionality is a theory that seeks to capture the multiple relationships between power structures such as gender, race, class, sexuality or age. It is currently considered a field of research in itself and is conceived as one of the... more
During the Middle Ages and early Renaissance, the word "beguine" was used by women to identify themselves as members of a wide-spread and influential women's movement. The same term was used by their detractors and overt opponents, with... more
- On 12 March 2018, Mauritius celebrated fifty years as an independent nation amidst much fanfare. Yet behind the nation’s official image of multicultural ‘unity in diversity’ lurk deep socio-economic inequalities and inter-ethnic... more
This article explores how the corporate body and its desire for capital scripts workers' bodies through heterosexual desire. I draw on the case of Enron, the Texas-based energy company currently embroiled in legal action for fraudulent... more
Feminist political ecology is a subfield that brings feminist theory, objectives, and practices to political ecology, an analytical framework based on the assumption that ecological issues must be understood and analyzed in relation to... more
This commentary makes a case for a more rigorous treatment of the body as a material and political site within the sub-field of urban political ecology. I propose an embodied urban political ecology grounded in a feminist, anti-racist and... more
El arroz ha configurado culturas, identidades y geografías afrodiaspóricas en las Américas. En el Caribe Colombiano, los procesos de modernización agrícola a lo largo del siglo XX re-configuraron las geografías negras del arroz al... more
Spatial Activism in the City: Perspectives of Body, Identity and Memory PhD Abstract The research focuses on spatial and urban contexts of activism, gender and sexuality in Tel Aviv, with the aim of understanding the modes of creation... more
Published in Oxford University Press' series of annotated bibliographies available online: https://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199874002/obo-9780199874002-0145.xml .
What is the relationship between Foucault’s concept of biopower and Deleuze’s concept of control? Despite the similarities between these two concepts, there is not a single scholarly article that solely thematizes this question, nor a... more
Syllabus for an interdisciplinary overview of scholarship on Infrastructure, with attention to new critical directions, STS, infrastructure as public good, materiality, ethnographic approaches, with attention to feminist approaches. The... more
Queer geographers have recently begun to examine the lives of transgender persons, a heretofore gap in the literature. This article examines the experiences of incarcerated trans persons in the United States, thus extending this nascent... more
This article provides a review of contemporary literature related to gender and the city, drawing primarily from Anglo-American feminist geography, but also architecture and urban planning. It first reflects back on early feminist... more
Responding to David Harvey’s critique of my paper ‘Why a radical geography must be anarchist’, I once again reiterate the importance of anarchist perspectives in contemporary politics and geographical praxis. In challenging Harvey on the... more