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Katerina Kolozova is a Macedonian philosopher whose publications from last two decades aim to analyze various topics using François Laruelle’s “non-philosophy” or “non-standard philosophy.” Non-philosophy could be roughly described as... more
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      Political PhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceMarxismPosthumanism
Science fiction is a genre in which anything is possible. It therefore comprises the perfect litmus test of any given culture’s prevailing hopes and fears about the future. One such source of anxiety that has been particularly conspicuous... more
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      Gender StudiesScience FictionFeminismCyborg Feminism
This paper examines a variety of cyborg figures in science fiction and art, and investigates how these posthuman subject’s perceptual capacities are altered through their “cyborging,” how this might lead to greater intersubjective... more
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      AnthropologyBiological AnthropologyCyborg TheoryPosthumanism
This essay gives a situated introduction to body hacking, an underground surgical process that seeks to transform the body’s architecture, offering an ethnographic account of the affects that drive this corporeal intervention for... more
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      New MediaPerformance StudiesPostcolonial StudiesContemporary Art
Chapter of the book: Chris Hables Gray; Heidi Figueroa-Sarriera; Steven Mentor. (Org.). Modified: Living as a Cyborg. 1ed.London: Routledge, 2020, v. , p. 254-262.
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      AlgorithmsJournalismCyborg Feminism
The primary objective of the paper is to construe the post-humanist electronic age and its ramifications in terms of religious, biological, social and economic aspects of human society. These effects eventually affect the cultural core of... more
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      RoboticsSocial PsychologyArtificial IntelligenceElectronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Firestone, Shulamith, The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution, New York, William Morrow and Company, 1970
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderCyborg TheoryGender and Sexuality
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      Disability StudiesCyborg FeminismCyborgsNew York Times
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      Medical SociologyNew MediaCyborg TheoryDigital Humanities
In this paper I will offer an analysis of cyber technology, cyberspace and cyborg from its appearance in fiction to its contemporary realizations, in order to show symbolic place of cyborg has changed, in the light of contemporary power... more
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Original submission for "Fourth Wave Feminism in Science Fiction and Fantasy: Volume 2. Essays on Television Representations, 2013-2019" published by McFarland. ISBN: 978-1476677675
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesCyborg TheoryFeminist Theory
In a cyborg society where people exist both organically and via technology, sexual expression and interaction via technology has become 'normal'. The controversy surrounding sexting stems from contemporary literature and media portraying... more
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      Cyborg TheoryGender and SexualityCyborg FeminismCyberfeminism
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      AnthropologyCyborg TheoryFeminist TheoryPosthumanism
Resumen Este artículo parte del análisis de dos obras, una filosófica y otra cinematográfica, de Donna Haraway y Kōbō Abe respectivamente. A partir de éstas, se propone una reflexión sobre los conceptos de cyborg y máscara que se utilizan... more
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      Japanese StudiesPhilosophyCyborg TheoryLiterature
" Los videojuegos son actualmente la primera industria del entretenimiento por delante del cine o la música y, como tal, se han convertido en un nuevo lenguaje de poderosa influencia a través del cual se configura la realidad pero que... more
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      Cyborg FeminismEstudios de GéneroFilosofíaVideojuegos
These are old notes, but there were DH approved, once upon a time! Someone asked me to upload them here, so I have. CC with attribution, pls.
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      Cyborg TheoryCyborg FeminismCyborg AnthropologyDonna Haraway
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesCyborg FeminismWomen of Color Feminism
Sarea ekintza eremu berria bihurtu da azken urteotan eta aldaketa sozial, kultural, ekonomiko, legal eta politikorako aukerak sortu ditu (Mimenza, 2014: 16). Teknologien eskuragarritasunak elkarren artean konektatutako pertsona taldeak... more
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      FeminismCyborg FeminismCyberfeminismCyberactivism
Reflexões acerca do conceito do Cyborg apresentado por Manfred E. Clynes e Nathan S. Kline. Discussão de algumas ideias presentes no 'Cyborg Manifesto' de Donna Haraway. O Cyborg na actualidade
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      Cyborg TheoryCyberneticsCyborg ScienceCyborg Feminism
In 2004, Icelandic singer-songwriter Björk (b. 1965) released her fifth solo album Medúlla, made almost exclusively with human voices. After outlining what I have termed ‘the elastic self’, which recognises both personal and external... more
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      Information TechnologyMusicMusic HistoryMusicology
Drawing on feminist theory, this paper uses a feminist lens to analyze the gendered representations and discourses of artificial intelligence in cinema history. In particular, this paper conducts an in-depth analysis of the... more
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      RoboticsCultural HistorySociologyCultural Studies
In this short essay I will explore whether Donna Haraway's image of the cyborg fits into Ridley Scott's vision of the future as seen in the 1982 science fiction film Blade Runner. I will argue that both affirmative and negative answers... more
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      Cyborg TheoryFilm AnalysisPolitical ViolenceCyborg Feminism
This paper examines the idea of memory being a dangerous weapon through the genre of sci-fi, specifically as the basis of a collective history for artificial life forms which poses a danger to the state, as I examine three shows: Blade... more
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      Cyborg TheoryPolitical TheoryViolenceFilm Analysis
Kenyan-born, now based in New York, contemporary artist Wangechi Mutu cuts, pastes and draws onto the collaged and photomontaged bodies of her subjects, to reveal the racialized, gendered identities that have been projected onto female... more
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      Art HistoryCyborg TheoryContemporary ArtArt Criticism
Michel Weber, Féminisme épidermique et utopie viscérale. Signes, symboles, et archétypes, Louvain-la-Neuve, Éditions Chromatika, 2020 ; ISBN 978-2-930517-72-8, ISBN E-book 978-2-930517-73-5 Comment repenser la sexualité et le « genre » ?... more
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      Philosophical AnthropologyJungian psychologyAlfred North WhiteheadCarl G. Jung
Michel Weber, Féminisme épidermique et utopie viscérale. Signes, symboles, et archétypes, Louvain-la-Neuve, Éditions Chromatika, 2020 ; ISBN 978-2-930517-72-8, ISBN E-book 978-2-930517-73-5 Comment repenser la sexualité et le « genre » ?... more
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      AnthropologyBiological AnthropologyTheologyPhilosophical Anthropology
The 21st Century has ushered in a redefinition of the body by cybernetic and biotechnological developments. The concept of “human” has been broadly challenged, while “posthuman” and “transhuman” have become terms of philosophical and... more
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      Gender StudiesCyborg TheoryPosthumanismAnthropology of the Body
Texto não publicado. Este texto apresenta um caminho de pensamento palpitante, com intuições e propostas que possam nos fazer pensar os impasses políticos e sociais tão complexos que estamos vivendo. O ponto de partida está em entender... more
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      Phenomenology of the bodyCyborg FeminismGender and TechnologyDonna Haraway
O presente trabalho gira em torno da apresentação e reflexão sobre um certo número de discursos, práticas e representações que relacionam corpo e tecnologia nos filmes de ficção científica Gattaca e Equilibrium. Para tentar deixar mais... more
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      Cyborg TheoryAnthropology of the BodyCinemaCyborg Feminism
This thesis examines the embodiment of the sexed body and the struggle of fitting into the narrow frames of what a woman is supposed to behave and look like in Japanese cinema. Using the medium of film, I, therefore, seek to produce... more
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      Plastic SurgeryFeminist TheoryFilm StudiesFilm Analysis
At the intersection of social robotics and sex technology, sex robots occupy a unique position within both fields. Sex robots are the only domestic robot where there is a financial incentive to make the robot as life-like as possible,... more
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      RoboticsFuture StudiesHumanoid RoboticsHuman-Robot Interaction
A review of Alex Garland's Ex Machina within posthumanism and cyberculture topics.
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      Cyborg TheoryPosthumanismScience FictionTranshumanism
Published in: Ranisch, R. & Sorgner, S. L. (2014) Post- and Transhumanism: An Introduction. S.L. Peter Lang Publisher. Pages: 213-226 Abstract: The 21st Century has ushered in a redefinition of the body by cybernetic and biotechnological... more
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      Future StudiesGender StudiesCyborg TheoryPosthumanism
»To ›de-passion‹ knowledge does not give us a more objective world, it just gives us a world ›without us‹; and therefore without ›them‹-lines are traced so fast. And as long as this world appears as a world ›we don't care for‹, it also... more
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      Critical TheoryFeminist TheoryFeminist EpistemologySociological Theory
It has been said that in this technologically inundated era, we are all cyborgs. Such a radical redefinition of the human being is but one manifested example of how the category ‘human’ and its multifaceted sub-categories have undergone a... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceArt HistoryTechnologyVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics) The issue is conceived as a glossary (German and English), which gives us the opportunity to reflect on feminism in all its plurality. In particular, it sheds light on those disparate... more
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      Cultural StudiesArt HistoryMedia and Cultural StudiesFeminist Theory
This essay explores how, for many minoritized peoples, cyborg ontology is experienced as dehumanizing rather than posthumanizing. Rereading Haraway’s Cyborg Manifesto through a decolonial, transfeminist lens, it explores the implications... more
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      Cyborg TheoryPosthumanismHistory of SexualityCritical Posthumanism
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      Italian LiteratureCritical PosthumanismCyborg Feminism
This paper suggests a convenience of artistic approach to scientific research, while attempting to embody a theoretical concept of posthuman within the performance art practice. First part of the text discusses the onset and development... more
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      Information ScienceHuman Computer InteractionCyborg TheoryPerformance Studies
Εργασία εξαμήνου στα πλαίσια του μαθήματος Κοινωνιολογία του Πολιτισμού (ΠΜΣ Πολιτιστική Διαχείριση, Πάντειο). Η εργασία κινείται σε τρεις κύριους άξονες: το Cyborg Manifesto της Donna Haraway, τις εφαρμογές για το Cyborg (κυβερνοχώρος,... more
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      Sociology of CultureCyborg FeminismDonna HarawayFlâneur
Donna Haraway’s (1991) vision of a post-gender cyborg has (re)sparked feminist interest in reclaiming patriarchal technological tools as a source of liberation from gender oppression. These utopian, cyborgian dreams of the dissolution of... more
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      SociologyCyborg TheoryCyborg Feminism
Bill Readings in “Pagans, Perverts or Primitives? Experimental Justice in the Empire of Capital” has aptly said: ‘The claim of universal humanity inherent in the republican ‘we’ underpins the apparent paradox that a nation like the United... more
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      Cyborg FeminismCyborgs
From Oxford Handbook of Feminist Theory: This chapter traces the emergence of the figure of the “cyborg” in... more
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      Media StudiesCyborg TheoryFeminist TheoryComputer Networks
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      Cyborg TheoryThe BodyCyborg FeminismCindy Sherman
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      Medical SociologyNew MediaCyborg TheoryDigital Humanities
Quels liens peut-on tracer entre la construction du corps cyborg et la construction du féminin au cinéma? Au contact des films d’animation de science-fiction Ghost in the Shell et Ghost in the Shell 2 : Innocence du réalisateur japonais... more
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      Gender StudiesJapanese AnimeCyberpunkManga and Anime Studies
This article analyses the conceptions of identity in contemporary times by delving into art practices from the 1970s onwards that deal with topics such as the construction of the self, identity as simulacrum, gender as masquerade,... more
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      Plastic SurgeryGender StudiesTechnologyCyborg Theory
In this paper, my aim is to show some of the problems that the figure of the cyborg may raise, in order to show how in many cases the cyborg has been used, even if in a dissimulated way, to reinstate the ‘natural’, normative order with... more
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      The Grotesque BodyCyborg FeminismBakhtin carnival and the grotesque bodyCyborgs
The thesis uses a feminist approach to explore the representation of the cyborg in Japanese film and animation in relation to gender, the body, and national identity. Whereas the figure of the cyborg is predominantly pervasive in... more
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      Japanese StudiesGender StudiesAnimationJapanese Anime
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      Environmental SociologyGeographyEnvironmental GeographyEnvironmental Science