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Beyonce is an image icon who presents three different identities in music videos: the singular self, the hybrid self, and the integrated self. Her representations call attention to class performances of racialized gender and sexuality by... more
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      Music VideoBlack Feminist Theory/ThoughtSocial ClassCultural Criticism
A Alceste, como o primeiro texto de que dispomos de Eurípides, interessa quer por sua construção dramática quer pela concepção teatral que apresenta. O presente estudo foca com mais detalhe o prólogo (1-76) sob o ponto de vista do... more
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      PsychoanalysisPhilosophyIconographyArt History
Iran sends inconsistent messages to the world. Vehement factionalism and widespread disagreement in nearly everything from religion and politics to lifestyle and sexuality are evident inside the country. Drawing from the Freudian concept... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCultural StudiesPsychoanalysisAnthropology
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      Ancient HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural StudiesEuropean Studies
von Michael Seelig: Der Kampf gegen die Moderne Um 1900 sah das Deutsche Adelsblatt die moderne Gesellschaft in einer fundamentalen Krise, als deren Ursache die Moderne an sich erkannt wurde. Anhand der Jahrgänge 1898 bis 1902 untersucht... more
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      Modern HistoryGerman HistoryConservatismConservatism (Political Science)
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      Modernism (Literature)Literary CriticismAfrican American LiteratureRalph Ellison
Перевод главы из книги R. Murray Schafer. The Soundscape (1994)
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      Soundscape StudiesSound studiesSoundscapeCultural Criticism
Resumen. En este trabajo, se presenta una reflexión teórica en torno a los retos metodológicos en el estudio de sociedades donde la diferencia étnica y cultural es la condición intrínseca y donde diferentes lógicas de transformación... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryAnthropologyHistorical Anthropology
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      CultureRoland BarthesPostmodernismBaudrillard
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      AestheticsIconographyArt HistoryMimesis
In Another Philosophy of History, J.G. Herder claims that his aim is not to compare and judge different cultures, but merely to describe and explain how each came into being and thus to adopt the standpoint of an impartial observer. I... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophical AnthropologyHermeneutics (Research Methodology)Hermeneutics
Ο Γκέοργκ Λούκατς είναι ευρέως γνωστός ως ένας από τους θεμελιωτές της μαρξιστικής φιλοσοφίας του 20ου αιώνα. Ως εκ τούτου, η πρώιμη φάση της διανοητικής του παραγωγής, η οποία προηγήθηκε της αιφνίδιας στράτευσής του στο κομμουνιστικό... more
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      AestheticsTheory of the NovelPhilosophy of HistoryAesthetics and Ethics
Rawls conceives of citizens as having the capacity to exercise two moral powers: the rational and the reasonable 1 . A citizen's rational power is concerned with "judgment and deliberation in seeking ends and interests peculiarly its own... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical Ontology
A literary criticism on A Thousand Splendid Suns of Khaled Hosseini
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      MarxismLiteratureLiterary CriticismFeminism(s)
1 Фернан Бродел оправдано упозорава проучаваоце путописа: "ваља се уздржати од задовољства да их сувише дуго наводите" (Fernan Brodel, Mediteran: prostor i istorija, prev. Svetomir Jakovljević, Geopoetika, Beograd, 1995, стр 29). 2 Овaкве... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesTourism StudiesTravel Writing
Mourning is German-Jewish novelist Grete Weil’s aesthetic, moral, and intellectual project. My intent in this paper is to explicate and defend that claim. Weil’s two major autobiographical novels, Meine Schwester Antigone (My Sister... more
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      Hebrew LiteratureGerman-Jewish literatureHolocaust StudiesPalestinian Literature
In this article I try to articulate a critical assessment of the current geopolitical asset of Digital Humanities. This critique is based on one hand on data about the composition of government organs, institutions and principal journals... more
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      Digital HumanitiesDigital CultureCultural CriticismMulticultural Studies
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      Contemporary LiteratureAmerican NovelCultural Criticism
A review on Darío Sztajnszrajber and Lucrecia Pinto's show, where art, music and philosophy merge.
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      Cultural StudiesPhilosophyAestheticsCultural Criticism
"Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), ed. Jonatan Meir, Three volumes, Mosad Bialik, Jerusalem Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), first published in Vienna in 1819, is one of the sharpest and wittiest pieces of Jewish literature... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionNew Religious MovementsMythology And Folklore
This is an interview I conducted with the late Mark Fisher, as occasion of the translation and publication of his book, "Capitalism Realism. Is There an Alternative?" into Spanish by Caja Negra Editora. The interview was done by email... more
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      MarxismPoliticsCapitalismCapitalist realism
Essa pesquisa analisa a contribuição do pensador galês Raymond Williams (1921-1988) para o pensamento social no contexto da segunda metade do século XX. Sua teoria, o materialismo cultural, argumentou a favor de abordagens não-abstratas... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural StudiesMarxismCulture
This is an English rewriting of the author's essay, most read in Italian: “Alcesti, la donna che visse due volte” ("Alcestis, the woman who lived twice"). It deals with the archaic myth and the disconcerting character of Alcestis. That... more
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      PsychoanalysisPhilosophyIconographyArt History
Throughout the nineteenth century, Maskilic journals increased their publication of anti-Hasidic satires. From the eighteen-sixties onward, this literature came primarily as a response to the revival in the publishing of Hasidic... more
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      ReligionEuropean HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
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      Cultural StudiesEnglish LiteratureJapanese Language And CultureLiterature
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      PhilosophyContinental PhilosophyFriedrich NietzscheMartin Heidegger
The evangelical theme of the flight of the Holy Family into Egypt, through canonical and apochryphal sources, and especially relevant representations in the history of art.
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      IconographyPaintingHermeneuticsHistory of Art
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      AestheticsTheodor AdornoPoetryLiterary Criticism
The Bridges of Madison County by Robert James Waller offers a variety of strategies in which it could be studied and criticized. It is more than just a romantic novel for because of its universality and theme, it can generate multiple... more
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      Book ReviewsCultural CriticismLiterary Theory and Criticism
This introductory essay outlines some of the issues that surround contemporary engagements with the ‘‘popular’’ as a site of political struggle and change. This piece notes that in the 30 years since Stuart Hall published his seminal... more
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      Critical TheorySemioticsCultural HistoryCultural Studies
‫الـــجـــزائـــر‬ ‫مـصـــــــــر‬ ‫مـصـــــــــر‬ ‫السعــــوديـة‬ ‫املــــغــــرب‬ ‫مـصـــــــــر‬ ‫مـصـــــــــر‬ ‫تــــــونـــس‬ ‫فلســطــيــن‬ ‫مـصـــــــــر‬ ‫لـــيـــبـــيـــا‬ ‫تـــــونـــــس‬ ‫مـصـــــــــر‬ ‫فـــصـــــول‬... more
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      Literary CriticismCultural Criticism
The Annunciation interpreted especially by women, painters and poets in the history of art and literature, from the Reinassance period to contemporary times.
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      IconographyArt HistoryHumanitiesPoetry
[Índice y Postcriptum] El tema del afecto y las emociones ha emergido como uno de los nuevos cuadrantes interpretativos de la literatura, la cultura y la sociedad. Este libro convoca a un selecto grupo de académicos y críticos culturales... more
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      Cultural StudiesLatin American StudiesGender StudiesPhilosophy
The author is trying to answer the question: whether film reviews have more in common with the news journalism or with the opinion journalism? Describing the current state of research in Poland, the author points at some of the most... more
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      Print mediaFilm ReviewSpeech genresCultural Criticism
الملامح التفكيكية للنقد الثقافي نزار جبريل السعودي انفتح النقد الثقافي على مناهج نقدية متعددة، وكان المنهج التفكيكي من بين تلك المناهج، فقد لاحظ الباحث أنه قد كان لأعلام المنهج التفكيكي ونقّاده دور بارز في التنظير للدراسات الثقافية بعامة،... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCultural Criticism
Ünlü kültür ve edebiyat kuramcısı, kültürel çalışmalar ve iletişim alanlarında dikkat çeken görüşlerin sahibi düşünür, akademisyen Raymond Williams, tarihsel sürecin ve özellikle modernitenin toplum yaşamına ve kavramların oluşumuna... more
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      Cultural MaterialismTerry EagletonRaymond WilliamsCultural Criticism
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      Cultural StudiesPostcolonial StudiesCultural TheoryPost-Colonialism
Mary Magdalene's iconography, between red passion and dark melancholy, critically revisited in the history of art and within the cultural context of the times.
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      IconographyArt HistoryPaintingSculpture
The present essay is an attempt to explore Showalter’s feminist critical philosophy and the corresponding practice of such an innovative approach in literary feminism. It tries to reflect upon her critical theorization and practice, and... more
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      DerridaPost-Colonial TheoryCultural CriticismBhabha
The dissertation is a case study of a phenomenon that the author proposes to label persona-driven cultural journalism and criticism. This term points to journalism and criticism in which the performance of the journalist’s and critic’s... more
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      Journalism StudiesCultural CriticismCultural JournalismPersona Studies
UN SALUTO Con piacere esprimo un breve indirizzo di saluto a questa pubblicazione, che raccoglie e documenta gli atti del Convegno promosso e organizzato dal Centro Studi Pier Paolo Pasolini nei giorni 11 e 12 novembre del 2016 intorno al... more
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      MarxismPopular CultureCultural TheorySouthern History
The 1980s and 1990s "East Asian Miracle" saw a revivication of the idea of "Asia," now no longer taken as backward. The "flying geese" model of development-with Japan at the forefront-triggered not only tri-This essay benefited from... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesArt TheoryMuseum StudiesTransnationalism
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      Literatura LatinoamericanaCultural CriticismHistoria CulturalRock Music
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      Cultural StudiesLatin American StudiesPoetryBrazilian Studies
Este libro de crítica cultural recoge ensayos sobre  literatura, música y lucha libre en Puerto Rico.
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      Puerto Rican StudiesCultural Criticismpost-hurricane MaríaBad Bunny
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      PsychoanalysisPhilosophyIconographyArt History
This chapter investigates the practice of ayahuasca neoshamanism in Australia and ways in which forms of “cultural critique” mounted against urbanization, materialism, environmental destruction, and consumer capitalism are inscribed in... more
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      AnthropologyMedical AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyPsychedelics
This essay examines Lionel Trilling’s success in appealing to a variety of ad hoc publics – to a kind of “periodical imagination,” that is – while maintaining the generalist’s guise of disinterestedness, a tactic common to many public... more
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      American LiteratureLiterary CriticismIntellectual and cultural historyPeriodicals
صورة الشعب بين الشاعر والرئيس دراسة نقدية لتمثيلات الشعب في خطاب فؤاد حداد الشعري مقارنة بخطابات رؤساء مصر (ناصر- السادات- مبارك) من منظور النقد الثقافي تقدم الدراسة قراءة لتاريخ مصر المعاصر منذ النصف الثاني للقرن العشرين وحتى نهايات... more
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      Cultural StudiesArabic LiteratureModern Arabic LiteratureCultural Criticism