Recent papers in Derrida
L Foran, 'Who’s Afraid of the Irish Language? The National-Philosophical Possibilities of a Lost Tongue' in C Fischer and A Mahon (eds) "Philosophical Perspectives on Contemporary Ireland" (Routledge, 2019) pp.230-245 Ireland is an... more
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
Enclosed is the syllabus and course notes from the upper division course I teach in PostModernism and Post-Marxist Critical Theory. It occurs to me that some of these essays--ranging from Horkheimer and Adorno, Baudrillard, Foucault, and... more
“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
In early 17th-century Virginia, three people constructed houses unlike anything built in the Chesapeake before or since. These earthfast structures, owned by men of the "better sort" and framed at the bottom of cellar holes, have thus far... more
El objetivo de este texto es presentar el modo en que Jacques Derrida desarrolla una política de la filosofía singular. Para ello, en primer lugar, a partir de ciertos textos de Derrida abordo la expresión " copertenencia de filosofía y... more
Pre-print version of Ristovska, S. (2018). Imagination and Emotion at the Crossroad Between Art and the Law. In Feldman, A. (Ed.), The Agency for Legal Imagination: 2015-18 (pp. 54-67). New York, NY: Goethe Institute.
Is Marx a zombie? Capitalism seems to have vanquished it's warring twin; yet the fall of Communism has been followed by a decline in the free market. Perhaps Western culture is pervaded by ghosts and omens of death because it is built on... more
We are a binary consciousness. Perhaps the most striking outcome of psychoanalysis is the formalization of this fact in the notion of the distinction between the conscious and the unconscious. Whether we follow orthodox Freudian readings... more
2016, University of Chicago Press
co-winner of MLA Prize for a First Book (2016)
co-winner of MLA Prize for a First Book (2016)
Kye words: Christopher Norris, Claire Colebrook, Geoffrey Bennington, Kelly Oliver, Maxime Doyon, Michael Naas, Kas Saghafi, Patrick Llored
In what follows, I bring two "loose cannons"-Jacques Derrida and Toni Morrison-into conversation with one another. In doing so, I hope to sketch what their critical theories might bring to bear on "The Western Canon." This essay is not... more
Apocalyptic fictions abound in contemporary culture, multiplying end-of-the-world fantasies of environmental collapse. Meanwhile, efforts toward global sustainability extrapolate from deep-past trends to predict and manage deep-future... more
This paper describes explorations of the relevance of narrative practices to working with communities which are facing various concerns and predicaments. These explorations have been undertaken in the context of community assignments that... more
The concept of “return” is an apparent phantasm throughout Derrida’s work with each new notion introduced, returning to the question alluded from the start of “Faith and Knowledge”: what is it, to talk of a “return”? Derrida asks,... more
Putting the question of the long development and inheritance of immune functions (phylogenesis) in touch with that of cultural inheritance (epiphylogenesis), the article questions lines of continuity between somatic mutation,... more
RESUMEN: La deconstrucción irrumpe en el pensamiento de la escritura, como una escritura de la escritura, que por lo pronto obliga a otra lectura: no ya imantada a la comprensión hermenéutica del sentido que quiere-decir un discurso, a... more
Derrida: a cena da escritura. Tradução: Raul Fiker. Coleção Grandes Filósofos. São Paulo: UNESP, 2001. Biblioteca PUC-Rio, número de entrada: 194 J66 D RESUMO A proposta do autor é deixar mais claro como Derrida desdobra, em sua obra... more
Most contemporary scholarly work on posthumanism and transhumanism rests on the idea that both perspectives are part of an ontological continuum. This article, however, acknowledges and explores the differences between them. In order to... more
Derrida’s seminar on the death penalty is a deconstructive reading of the debate over the abolition of the death penalty beginning in eighteenth century Europe. The main imperative of the reading is to address the limits of abolitionist... more
The author argues that Günter Figal sheds novel light on language in his recent Objectivity: The Hermeneutical and Philosophy through a debate he appears to stage with the position Jacques Derrida develops in some of his early essays on... more
The concept of “hegemony” in political thought has different philosophical-theoretical foundations and semantic dimensions. This concept should not be perceived merely and necessarily in a way which discloses another ways of perception.... more
In 2017, Mexican transfeminist artist and activist Lia García (La Novia Sirena) made weekly visits to dorm 10Bis of the prison Reclusorio Norte, engaging in performative actions with a group of cis-male prisoners. Sprouting from images of... more
Even though the legitimizing intents of both the modern penitentiary and the archive—the latter understood as the physical deposit of memory—are radically different, could the principles central to their founding discourses and eventual... more
Ever get the feeling that life's a game with changing rules and no clear sides, one you are compelled to play yet cannot win? Welcome to gamespace. Gamespace is where and how we live today. It is everywhere and nowhere: the main chance,... more
In this essay, I analyse the ideological relationship between Tim O’Brien’s short story “How to Tell a True War Story” (1990) and Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy. I argue that the postmodern message of O’Brien’s story revindicates... more
Jacques Derridas Verständnis von Dekonstruktion und Demokratie erschließt mit der Temporalität des Futur antérieur (Futur II) ein Kriterium politischen Handelns, das es erlaubt auch scheinbar "demokratische Politik" dort zu entlarven, wo... more
Interview that I gave during the conference "Architecture of Deconstruction"
Ghost Writing in Contemporary American Fiction is about the appearance of the specter in the work of five major US authors, and argues from this work that every one of us is a ghost writing, haunting ourselves and others. The book’s... more
The radicality of what was known as 'French theory' allowed itself to be evinced by the post-theory anti-intellectuals because it never managed to turn its institutional critique into a material practice. In short, Theory lacked Design.
In Memoires for Paul de Man Derrida articulates a new model of mourning as an ongoing conversation with the dead who are both within us and beyond us and continue to look at us with a look that is a call to responsibility and... more
This paper is about grafting as a model for describing cultural processes
It is often said that the ethical, political and religious writings of the later Derrida aren’t phenomenological in nature. Contrary to that widespread view, the present essay argues that the central motive of all these writings –... more
I outline the core notions of "deconstruction" and "differance" in Derrida's philosophy. I then address how these notions have ethical significance. I ultimately argue that Derrida's ethics is simulataneously a version of deontology and... more
Stuart Hall
Stuart Hall
The necessity of questioning the privileged spaces of power—be it personal, social, political, or religious—is a demand intrinsic to philosophy’s very own structure. In this paper, an identification of the thinking and the practice of... more