Hedge Funds
Recent papers in Hedge Funds
________________________________________________ REPORT -PARTE GENERALE CASIMIRO A. NIGRO GIOVANNI ROMANO 25 Novembre 2011 2
Hedge Funds are extensively cited as the main actors responsible for the financial crisis erupted in the latest decades. Their natural characteristic for secrecy and their fame for high propensity towards risks, together with the ample... more
Emerging market policy makers have been concerned about the financial stability implications of financial globalisation. These concerns are focused on behaviour under stressed conditions. Do tail events in the home country trigger off... more
Funds of funds are an increasingly popular avenue for hedge fund investment. Despite the increasing interest in hedge funds as an alternative asset class, the high degree of fund specific risk and the lack of transparency may give... more
Hedge fund strategies typically generate option-like returns. Linear-factor models using benchmark asset indices have difficulty explaining them. Following the suggestions in Glosten and Jagannathan (1994), this article shows how to model... more
This study empirically investigates the performance of Australian hedge funds by extending and modifying . Analysis of hedge funds performance. Journal of Empirical Finance 11, 55-89]. model. This model performs better in explaining... more
Using the hedge fund industry as our laboratory setting, we examine whether bank bailout programs initiated in seven countries during the 2007-2009 global financial crisis reduced counterparty risk in the financial system. Hedge funds... more
The paper argues that the economic imbalances that caused the present crisis should be thought of as the outcome of the interaction of the effects of financial deregulation with the macroeconomic effects of rising inequality. In this... more
The paper examines the investment activities of Swiss National Bank during last years and especially what is the nature of these activities, what is their scope, what are their financial grounds, what possible consequences could they lead... more
We examine the risk characteristics and capital adequacy of hedge funds through the Valueat-Risk approach. Using extensive data on nearly 1,500 hedge funds, we find only 3.7% live and 10.9% dead funds are undercapitalized as of March... more
The main objective of a hedge strategy is to generate positive returns irrespective of market conditions. This paper presents a classic hedge fund strategy: an investment vehicle whose key objective is to minimize investment risk in an... more
Using objective measures of investor protections in 170 countries, I establish that the level of investor protection matters for cross-country differences in GDP growth: countries with stronger protections tend to grow faster than those... more
In this paper, we aim to bring together into one common framework various advances in factorbased hedge fund replication. Our replication methodology relies on a set of investable dynamic risk factors extracted from futures contract... more
Alternative investment has grown considerably, transforming this industry in the forefront of investment innovation. Despite their public acknowledgment and profound influence in the financial market, there is still relative small... more
This brief paper provides an example of the use of Altman's Z-Score in evaluating the probability of municipal default. It includes a short discussion of hedge fund strategy with regard to municipal default and advances an argument that... more
Summary of The Wheel Options Trading Strategy/ Triple Income Strategy and how it can be implemented in the market.
Definición de Fondos Buitres. El término, surgido en el ámbito de las finanzas y luego de uso extendido, designa de manera coloquial y peyorativa a fondos privados de inversión de comportamiento altamente especulativo y litigante. Estos... more
Во всем мире индустрия хедж-фондов является самой динамично развивающейся отраслью коллективных инвестиций, совокупная стоимость активов которой превышает $2 трлн и продолжает неуклонно расти. Среди инвесторов хедж-фондов все чаще... more
This paper presents an empirical comparison of the out of sample hedging performance from naïve and minimum variance hedge ratios for the four largest US index exchange traded funds (ETFs). Efficient hedging is important to offset long... more
We present a detailed study of portfolio optimisation based on cointegration, a statistical tool that here exploits a long-run equilibrium relationship between stock prices and an index price. We compare the theoretical and empirical... more
In my master thesis, I try to understand how illiquidity impacts on the fees asked by manager in the Hedge Fund industry. Conversely with previous works, the relation between High-Water Mark is shown less obvious. I explain it because of... more
Michel Callon has conceptualised economic actors as constituted of socio-technical agencements: collectives of human beings, technical devices, algorithms, and so on. This paper reports a pilot, partially observational study of a hedge... more
We are indebted to the mutual funds for providing access to their detailed data. Also, we are indebted to the Ontario Securities Commission, and in particular Minami Ganaha, Rhonda Goldberg, Chantal Mainville, and Dennis Yanchus, for... more
Shareholder activism by hedge funds has over the past few years become a major corporate governance phenomenon. This paper puts the trend into context. The paper begins by distinguishing the "offensive" form of activism hedge funds engage... more
A special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) is a company with no commercial operations that is formed strictly to raise capital through an initial public offering (IPO) for the purpose of acquiring an existing company. Also known as... more
The paper discusses global macro as a strategy which went out of favour after the LTCM debacle. It uses four case studies and despite the draw backs - a small number of experienced managers - concludes that the strategy can offer... more
Risk is a crucial factor for any investor in making all types of financial investments. It is a psychological and mental process of decision making based on an individual’s frame of reference that changes from time to time. This report... more
Asset Management Company and interconnection with Mutual Funds and Hedge Funds
The credit crunch was most likely viewed as a mixed blessing by many private equity executives. On the one hand, it signalled the end of the most favourable set of economic conditions the private equity industry had ever witnessed:... more
This paper analyzes convertible arbitrage, one of the most successful hedge fund strategies. We start by identifying convertible arbitrage activities. We find convertible bonds to be underpriced at the issuance dates. At the same time,... more
What percentage of their portfolio should investors allocate to hedge funds? The only available answers to the above question are set in a static mean-variance framework, with no explicit accounting for uncertainty on the active manager's... more
Keputusan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 113/KMK.08/2014 tentang Strategi Pengelolaan Utang Negara Tahun 2014-2017 juga menyebutkan tentang penerapan kebijakan hedging sebagai salah satu strategi pengelolaan utang. Istilah hedging memang tidak... more
This Article identifies and explores an important gap in bankruptcy theory and policy, with significant implications for the coming wave of major business failures: How to manage information about financially distressed businesses? The... more
Çalışmanın hazırlanmasında her türlü desteğini esirgemeyen Doç.Dr. İsrafil ZOR'a sonsuz teşekkürlerimi sunarım. Bu çalışma ülkeler bazında hedge fonların performanslarını değerlendirmek, hedge fonların hangi yatırım stratejilerini... more
Guy Spier is a Zurich-based investor and founder of Aquamarine Capital’s privately offered investment funds, with assets under management valued at over $250M. He authored The Education of a Value Investor, perhaps the most untraditional... more
This article argues that a nexus exists between private profit-orienteded actors (privateers and hedge funds) — being only lightly regulated by their home countries (Britain and America) — and ‘offshore’ territories located in the... more