Recent papers in City
El presente artículo se deriva de una investigación realizada con 29 jóvenes escolarizados de la ciudad de Manizales, Colombia, en la cual se indagó por los sentidos y significados de la ciudadanía. Para la recolección de información se... more
this article analyzes the intimate connection between the ways of elaborating what is visible and of producing a city in three Brazilian films made in recent years: Nunca é noite no mapa (It's never nighttime in the map, 2016), by Ernesto... more
The present paper aims to investigate Brasov citizens’ pro-environmental behavior both in their household and holiday setting. In this sense, we conducted a qualitative research using the in-depth interview method on a 13 respondent... more
Este estudo parte do pressuposto da cidade como um espaco de memoria, como um lugar de representacao simbolica de tempos preteritos, materializados na heranca remanescente na era atual e interpretados como importantes referencias para... more
La presente comunicación se centra en la aplicación de recursos informáticos de reciente desarrollo a la investigación sobre la ciudad. El trabajo del que forma parte tiene por objetivo identificar los elementos que componen la denominada... more
This paper proposes an ethical and aesthetic analysis of urban space in search of a territory of Belonging in the city of São Paulo. It is an interdisciplinary research, that uses the method of cartography and art as an epistemological... more
La perspective critique élaborée par Henri Lefebvre demeure pertinente pour penser les rapports sociaux à l'espace, y inclus ceux qu'on observe dans les métropoles contemporaines en Amérique du Nord. En examinant la controverse autour de... more
We need to retheorise urbanism from the perspective of smaller, post-colonial cities in the global South to account for both relational size on a global scale and localised city-specific contexts. Cities like Mangaluru, in south India,... more
RESUMEN: El artículo aborda una revisión de los principales conceptos que rela-cionan el desarrollo urbano con el conocimiento y propone la identificación de cua-tro componentes para medir su inserción en la sociedad del conocimiento, en... more
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With the aim of improving environmental management in the Asia region, several Japanese municipal governments have engaged in international co-operation with local governments in developing countries in the region. This kind of... more
Este articulo presenta una reflexion sobre las acciones que el Estado ha realizado a traves del gobierno local y de la policia en materia de inseguridad en la ciudad de San Jose. Primero se analiza la posicion municipal, las acciones y... more
The area that presently comprises part of the departments of Guaymallen, Lavalle and Maipu in the province f Mendoza was occupied until the beginning of the 20 th century by a large marshy and lacustrine system. This system has undergone... more
This document is the author's final manuscript accepted version of the journal article, incorporating any revisions agreed during the peer review process. Some differences between this version and the published version may remain. You are... more
Współcześnie problematyka miast i ich funkcji jest istotnym problemem z dziedzi-ny studiów miejskich w geografi i, architekturze, socjologii i psychologii. W artykule przedstawiono badania na grupie 228 studentów z obszaru konurbacji... more
Nowadays, the issue of cities and their functions is an important topic in urban studies in geography, architecture, sociology, and, psychology. The social per1 Alan Mandal, Department of Economic Geography, Faculty of Earth Sciences,... more
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Carabayllo, distrito de Lima Norte, en las últimas décadas, ha experimentado una pérdida sustancial de tierras agrícolas periurbanas debido al desarrollo de programas inmobiliarios, proceso con repercusiones en el estilo de vida, las... more
An important factor that limits children's autonomy outdoors is parental perception of social danger and traffic danger. To obtain quantitative instruments for these dimensions, this work aimed to explore the validity and reliability of... more
In August 2011, over four days, rioting spread across several cities in England. Previous accounts of these riots have indicated the roles of police racism, class disadvantage, and spatial affordance. However what remains unclear is how... more
To help ensure Extension's relevance and accessibility to an increasingly diverse population, the National Urban Extension Leaders group created a framework based on historical and emerging developments. Themes focus on programs,... more
En la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII, Buenos Aires-y su zona de influencia-, será afectada por profundas transformaciones que la convertirán en un importante mercado regional. A consecuencia de esos cambios se produce un notorio... more
O objetivo deste artigo e descrever sobre as alteracoes no crescimento urbano, na distribuicao espacial da populacao catalana e a sua configuracao socioespacial, socioambiental atual. Estes processos sao associados ao de urbanizacao e... more
I. PROBLEMATIQUE DE LA RECHERCHE p.3 A. La grande vine africaine, la mal-aimee p. 4 De l'incarnation du mal-developpement a celle de la crise p. 6 La presomption d'echec des politiques publiques urbaines p. 8 L'inconnue pendante du... more
The concept of “third places” in the Philippine setting has been understudied even though community interaction is deeply ingrained in its culture. After the pandemic, people have shifted to open places for physical activities, social... more
El término arquitectura del paisaje ha tenido gran auge en los últimos años. Por lo tanto, se busca realizar una crítica entorno al mismo para incentivar su conceptualización, ya que si tiene un origen epistemológico o un vocablo... more
This review offers a perspective on the role landscape and gardening play in urban settings from a socio-cultural, and ecological dimension. The practice of cultivating in gardens, parks and vacant lots, creates community spaces, and are... more
Resumen: Objetivo y Metodologia. Caracterizar y analizar a traves de encuestas y entrevistas semiestructuradas al usuario tipico de parques de la ciudad de Cali (por medio de dos parques el Villacolombia y parque del Ingenio). Resultados.... more
Public managers, in addition to implementing sound policies, are expected to manage public participation in the policy process. Civic meetings, in which citizens, elected officials, and public managers discuss proposed policies, can be an... more
This article provides an overview of the images of Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oslo and Helsinki on the basis of international city rankings. City rankings are conceptualised as intermediary-generated ‘aggregate images’, which through their... more
This article responds to Ben Gerlofs and Ernesto López Morales’ article, “¿Quién es gentrificación (‘who is gentrificación’)?” It explores the term “blanqueamiento,” which emerged from Mexico City housing activ- ism, highlighting its... more
Research Framework: Many authors prefer to focus on the acrimonious relationship that exists between children and the city. This narrative is given as a story of eviction, particularly in the latter half of the 20th century, and the... more
Cadre de la recherche : De nombreux auteurs insistent sur le fait que l’histoire des rapports de l’enfant à la ville est une véritable histoire d’éviction, surtout à partir de la deuxième moitié du 20ème siècle avec la généralisation de... more
La ciudad es un sistema complejo en el que confluyen muchos parámetros que dificultan sobremanera un análisis preciso de todos ellos y, en consecuencia, la valoración de los fenómenos que se producen y sus repercusiones en el medio... more
This study examines how attribution towards poverty, just world belief and decision-making styles contribute to the psychological well-being of the low-income group or known as B40 in Malaysia. The study predicted that attribution towards... more
IP-based videoconferencing is now at a state of development and availability that users can easily experiment with the technology from their place of work-at their desktop. Within education support and city information service... more