Recent papers in Audit
Managing information security is a challenge. Traditional checklist approaches to meeting standards may well provide compliance, but do not guarantee to provide security assurance. The same might be said for audit. The complexity of IT... more
BACKGROUND: Clinical audit has been increasingly required for the accreditation process in every modern healthcare system. Data collection and analysis are excessively time-consuming in everyday practice. The primary aim of our study was... more
This paper presents the research conducted as part of the work requirements for the Human Integration into the Lifecycle of Aviation Systems (HILAS) project, sponsored by the European Commission. Specifically, it describes the proposed... more
The aim was to investigate the effectiveness of significant event analyses (SEAs) undertaken by pharmacists as judged by a new system of independent peer feedback. The setting was a convenience sample of 37 pharmacists working in... more
The study dwelt on the effectiveness of forensic auditing in detecting, investigating, and preventing bank frauds. The study sought to find out to what level the forensic auditors are able to fulfill this mandate and investigate problems... more
Rakenteinen potilaskertomus 2010-hankkeessa on julkaistu aiemmin kaksi laajaa kokonaisuutta: terveydenhuollon prosessikuvaus-raportti ja rakenteisen terveys-ja hoitosuunnitelman määrittely. Hankkeen päättyttyä joulukuussa 2011 näitä ja... more
During the last years competition in the textile sector has increased, putting financial returns under considerable pressure. As a result, production has shifted to low wage countries in the third world. This has raised the relevance of... more
OBJECTIVES It is well recognised that medical training can be extremely stressful and that high stress is a risk factor for a wide range of psychological and health-related consequences. The primary aims of this study were to introduce... more
The aim of this study was to design an audit questionnaire that focuses on the management of the technical activities in a Diagnostic Pathology Laboratory. The ISO 15189 Standard is written in such a way that it continually moves back and... more
The requirements of ISO 15189:2003 are discussed in the context of a process and outcome based quality management model in which the user?s needs are the central focus. The requirements of ISO 15189:2003 are examined in terms of... more
A risk matrix is a mechanism to characterize and rank process risks that are typically identified through one or more multifunctional reviews (e.g., process hazard analysis, audits, or incident investigation). This paper describes a... more
Statements of commitment to change are advocated both to promote and to assess continuing education interventions. Howevel; most studies of commitment to change have used self-reported outcomes, and self-reports may significantly... more
Audit energi adalah proses evaluasi pemanfaat energi dan identifikasi peluang penghematan energi serta rekomendasi peningkatan efisiensi pada pengguna sumber energi dan pengguna energi dalam rangka konservasi energi. Proses audit dapat... more
Background. Measuring patient satisfaction after anaesthesia care is complex. The existing patient satisfaction questionnaires are limited and omit aspects of patient satisfaction, such as professional competence, information provision,... more
Peer review in forensic pathology has been a long time in evolution but may provide a very useful mechanism to check for, and to correct, errors, in addition to establishing an important educative vehicle for pathologists. A process is... more
При рассмотрении вопроса об эффективности того или иного вида деятельности, общепринятым содержанием этого понятия является соответствие достигнутых в процессе его осуществления результатов намеченным целям, степень приближения... more
pregnancy complications medical audits developing countries Near-miss cases often arrive in critical condition in referral hospitals in developing countries. Understanding the reasons why women arrive at these hospitals in a moribund... more
• Merupakan salah satu Prosedur yang wajib dilaksanakan pihak Auditor dlm melakukan pemeriksaan atas Laporan Keuangan untuk saldo akun-akun yang secara physik tidak tampak di client (perusahaan) per tanggal Neraca. • Tujuannya adalah... more
The issue of organization of payments to employees at the enterprise is the basis of social and labour relations of employees, employers and the state, affecting the effectiveness of labour management in general, they are one of the most... more
This study aims to determine the impact of the 2007 global financial crisis on the integration of the Islamic stock markets. Seven Islamic stock markets are selected based on the countries' level of development and geographical factors.... more
Uncertainty has been prevailing in the business world since its existence. However, with the developed Trade, Industry and Commerce, Businesses have realized crucially of the impact and intensity of the uncertainties. It is found that... more
New Zealand provides a natural laboratory to test whether knowledge spillovers arise from auditor-provided non-audit services. Unlike prior research, we do not assume constant audit quality but first test whether audit quality varies with... more
You have requested that we audit the financial statements of SMYGJYP Co., Inc. which coprise the statement of financial position as at December 31, 2014 and the statements of income, cash flows and changes in stockholders' equity for the... more
Nas duas últimas décadas, as notícias e denúncias sobre casos de corrupção e, consequentemente,os estudos sobre este assunto, aumentaram consideravelmente. A corrupção,embora, em grande parte, referir-se ao setor público, é um fenômeno... more
Le attività di verifica ed audit, oltre a costituire un obbligo per i DPO, sono uno strumento di accountability per tutti i titolari e responsabili del trattamento. La normativa è particolarmente articolata, vasta, trasversale e in... more
This paper presents an analytical diagnostic tool for energy audit of steam systems. The circuit eciency is determined as a product of the segment eciencies. The analysis is applied to a few industrial cases. These will provide clear... more
Background: Nissen fundoplication is the gold standard antireflux procedure in children. In 1996, one pediatric surgeon adopted the anterior fundoplication described by Watson in 1991. This procedure is reported to achieve good reflux... more
Pengujian atas Pengendalian Internal (Test of Control) Belanja Subsidi
oleh: Muhammad Rafi Kambara
oleh: Muhammad Rafi Kambara
Auditing Indonesian Adaptation
Les marchés publics constituent un domaine très délicat et sensible puisque, très souvent, les enjeux sont d’une telle envergure qu’ils impactent sur l’économie, le politique, le social etl’environnement. Le gouvernement marocain a décidé... more
In recent years the role of a sound PFM system to achieve the objectives of fiscal discipline, strategic planning, and improved service delivery has been getting increasing public attention in India. Since public financial management... more
O controlo externo da gestão dos dinheiros públicos – político e financeiro, é uma missão dos Estados de Direito democráticos, exacerbada pelos contribuintes cidadãos que, no afã dos nossos dias, exigem rigor, responsabilidade e... more
Purpose: To describe nursing documentation of pain assessment and management in the first 72 h postoperatively in surgical wards. Methods: A retrospective approach was used to collect data on nurses' documentation from patients' records.... more
Purpose- The aim of the study is to assess factors affecting tax audit effectiveness as effective tax audit enhances tax administration. Research methodology – To achieve objective of the study, both qualitative and quantitative research... more
show parameter audit_trail; database tarafından tespit edilen audit kayıtlarının nerede ve nasıl saklanacağının belirlendiği parametre Cizre'de Value 'NIN DB olması demek ; Audit kayıtlarının database' de tutulması anlamına gelir. Bu... more