Ancient Glass, Pottery Typology
Recent papers in Ancient Glass, Pottery Typology
A Vimbodí i Poblet tenen el privilegi d’acollir el primer forn de vidre documentat que es coneix a Catalunya, el qual data del segle XII (1188) Però la indústria vidriera que li donà nom no s’establí a Vimbodí fins a l’any 1903, quan uns... more
Encore trop méconnue, l'étude du verre méritait une synthèse des connaissances actuelles aussi bien sur le plan technique, chimique, artistique et archéologique. Ce travail universitaire réalisé dans le cadre d'un master II, tente de... more
Na području antičke luke u Zatonu kraj Nina pronađena je pri hidroarheološkim istraživanjima velika količina keramičkoga materijala, među kojim autor izdvaja i obrađuje dva zoomorfna reci-pijenta. Interdisciplinarnim radom autor nastoji... more
Encore trop méconnue, l'étude du verre méritait une synthèse des connaissances actuelles aussi bien sur le plan technique, chimique, artistique et archéologique. Ce travail universitaire réalisé dans le cadre d'un master II, tente de... more
This bilingval edition presents 93 objects that are on exhibit at the Archaeological Museum at Split ranging from the Archaic to the late Hellenistic period. The catalogue, published by the Archaeological Museum at Split, may be optained... more
A Treen (meaning “of a tree”) is the generic name for any small handmade functional household object made of wood. Usually one-of-a-kind carved examples of utilitarian folk art. This ties into money boxes and specifically piggy banks.... more
A refuse deposit at HaGolan Street, Khirbet al-Ḥadra, northeastern Tel Aviv, is rich in debris deriving from an Islamic period glass workshop, dating to the 7the8th centuries. Twenty-four samples of glass vessels, chunks and moils were... more
Glass-blowing reached its technological perfection due to the political stability in the pacified provinces of the Empire in less than a century since its invention (mid-1 st century BC -mid-1 st century AD). The novel technique... more
Abstract The earliest glass furnace of north-west Anatolia has been found at the Açana (Alalah) Mound in Hatay, Turkey (15th to 14th centuries BC) – a century earlier than the earliest known remains of glass production in Egypt (Tel... more
The paper deals with glass vessels produced in core-sand technique from Tyras. Author publishes new finds. There are 4 fragments of vessels of various morphology. Three fragments date to III-II centuries BC.
The author publishes a cast conic bowl. It was possibly found in the ancient Olbia. Similar vessels were excavated on a temple near the mountain pass of Gurzuf Saddle in the Crimea. Glass beakers of this type were manufactured in... more
Registration is now open for the 3rd International Summer School in Ancient Technology and Crafts, organized by the School of Humanities of the International Hellenic University, at the University campus at Thessaloniki, Greece. All... more
The author publishes glass vessels from the excavation of the necropolis Shyroka Balka. These are two amphoriskos and alabastron. Vessels were made in core-formed technique of white opaque glass and decorated with zigzag pattern. These... more