Al Farabi
Recent papers in Al Farabi
Chapter 5, Aristotle and the Arabic Tradition, Cambridge University Press, 2015
‘[A] valid concept of “Islam” must denote and connote all possible “Islams,” whether abstract or “real,” mental or social’ (104)... Ahmed seeks to avoid two major pitfalls: (1) making Islam into a static essence or a category within an... more
F arklı dil, din ve ırk tasavvuruna sahip insanlar arasın-da yüzyıllarca esenlik ve barışı sağlayan İslam dini ve medeniyeti şimdilerde niçin yitik konumunda ve yeniden diriltmek için neler yapabiliriz? Filozoflara göre, insanın amacı... more
“Müzakere: [Fârâbî’nin Hayatıyla İlgili Erken Dönem Kaynaklar Üzerine]”, İslam Düşüncesinin Ana Merkezleri: Mâverâünnehir, ed. İlyas Çelebi, İstanbul: İSAV Yayınları, 2019, s. 474-479.
İnsanın yeryüzündeki temel hedefi mutluluğu elde etmektir. Bütün çatışmalar, gözyaşları ve acılar bu gayeyi gerçekleştirme yolunda ortaya çıkar. Çünkü insanlar, mutluluğu akıl ve muhakeme kabiliyetlerini kullanarak değil, içgüdüleriyle... more
“Jihād and the Islamic philosophers: Alfarabi as a case study”, Encounter: Documents for Muslim-Christian Understanding 354 (Rome: PISAI, May 2010).
Table of contents 1. Plato and a response to ethical scepticism; 2. Aristotle and the invention of practical philosophy; 3. Diogenes and philosophy as a form of life; 4. Epicurus and ethics as care for oneself; 5. Epictetus and ethics... more
İslam dünyasında mantık ilminin gelişimi konusunda önemli birkaç eserin ya-zarı olan Rescher, bu alandaki çalışmalarından birinde mantık tarihi araştırmaları çerçevesinde Farabi'nin Mantık Geleneği'ne nasıl baktığı konusunu ele almıştır.... more
This paper reviews the originality of Al-Farabi's achievement in harmonizing between the Greek Legacy of Philosophy and Islamic principles, his attempt should be appreciated even if the scholar did not reach the perfection level in such... more
Filsafat Islam al-Farabi dalam memandang keesaan Tuhan
A version of this review was published in 2003 in *Bulletin of the Middle East Studies Association*: Volume 36, Issue 2, Winter; pp. 206-207. As mentioned at the outset of this review, the matter of the classification of knowledge in... more
Scholarship on al-Farabi interprets his theoretical analysis of politics apart from its historical context, which results in a failure to understand how his political philosophy is useful for understanding Islamic politics. This paper... more
In this paper I have presented the political thoughts of three prominent thinkers, St. Augus- tine, al-Farabi and St. Thomas Aquinas, who span a period from late Antiquity to the High Middle Ages. A close reading of their statements... more
The articles in this volume explore the teachings on happiness by a range of thinkers from antiquity through Spinoza, most of whom held human happiness to comprise intellectual knowledge of that which is Good in itself, namely God. These... more
Farabi who (Ebu Nasr Muhammed bin Tarhan Uzlug) from Kirghizstan was qualified as a "Muallim evvel" in the field of music. He gave three pieces; by seperating These lorem two parts religious and teoriler He has laid The foundations of... more
Yusuf Kaplan, 19 Şubat 2017, Yeni Şafak Zihin dünyamızı kuran ama yok sayılan iki öncü: Fatih Şeker ve Şenol Korkut Elimizde, İslâm'ı da, İslâm düşüncesini de, kendi özgünlüğü çerçevesinde anlatabilecek tek bir kitap bile yok! Bir de... more
The question of the human rational soul's relation with its objects of thought over the course of actual intellection is one of the major problems in Ibn Sīnā's epistemology. Concerning this issue, Ibn Sīnā inherited a wide range of... more
İslam felsefesinin gelişim dönemi, dokuzuncu yüzyılın başından îtîbaren başlayıp İbn Sînâ ve Gâzâli'yi de içine alan on ikinci yüzyıla kadar ki olan dönemi kapsar. Çalışmamızda bu dönemin en önde gelen filozoflarından biri olan Fârâbî'nin... more
Farabi “siyaset felsefesini” ortaya koyarken Aristo felsefesini İslam esaslarına göre tekrardan ele alarak İslam felsefesine dair katkılarda bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak denilebilir ki; Farabi’nin siyaset felsefesi, devletlerin halkları için... more
Convergences between Platonism and the Abrahamic Religions Parts 3, 4 & 5 Adapted for the De Li Non Aliud Reading Group 2021 Perspectives and Directions: Light illuminates but blinds eyes accustomed to darkness. Darkness defeats eyes... more
مهمترین مشکل در مطالعه فلسفه سیاسی فارابی درک ماهیت معماگونه اندیشه اوست که از ترکیب فلسفه سیاسی یونانی، اندیشه ایرانشهری و آموزه های اسلامی بوجود آمده و به راحتی در سه گانه مشهور مستشرقین یعنی فلسفه سیاسی یونانی، شریعت نامه های فقهی و... more
The body politic, the metaphor that likens states to bodies, is one of the oldest political metaphors in history. This paper examines the role of the body politic in the work of medieval philosopher Abu Nasr Al-Farabi, specifically his... more
ABSTRAK Dalam makalah ini penulis mengkaji sekaligus menganalisis pemikiran filsafat politik Al-Farabi dan Thomas Aquinas tentang negara dan masyarakat. Dalam pemikiran fillsafat politik Al-Farabi yang terkenal adalah pendapatnya tentang... more
Peradaban Islam muncul tidak lepas dari berbagai banyak pemikiran yang berkembang dalam Islam. Berbagai pemikiran yang muncul biasa disebut dengan filsafat Islam. Pemikiran yang berkembang dalam filsafat Islam didorong oleh pemikiran... more
İslâm düşünce tarihi boyunca yazılan eserlerde bilimin önemi, eğitim ve öğretim yöntemleri, anne-baba-çocuk, öğretmen-öğrenci, devlet-halk ilişkilerinin sosyal, psikolojik, hukukî ve ahlâkî temelleri, eğitime ilişkin yönleri gibi konular... more
Ce livre constitue la première étude du rôle de la génération dans les systèmes philosophiques d’Aristote et d’Averroès (1126-1198). En s’appuyant sur de nombreux textes traduits du grec, de l’arabe et du latin, l’auteur propose une... more
Since the arrival of revealed religions and their encounter with Greek philosophy, the issue of the relationship between reason and revelation has been one of the most important problems in the history of thought. One important aspect of... more
Shem Tov Falaquera’s Epistle of the Debate describes a debate between a Pietist who is knowledgeable only in Jewish law and religious texts and a Scholar who is well versed in both Jewish and philosophical works about whether according to... more
A paper that goes over some old material, but tries to come to some newish conclusions about the difference between creationism and emanationism in Late Ancient and Medieval thought
Abstract: In this study, the “three problems” were discussed that al-Ghazzâlî’s accusation of “kufr” against the Islamic philosophers in his book Tahâfut al-Falâsifah and content of the points in question was deconstructed according to... more
Au Xe siècle, le philosophe arabe Al-Fârâbî écrit le Compendium des Lois de Platon, commentaire paraphrastique du célèbre dialogue que l’on attribue à Platon comme son chant du cygne. Fârâbî tâche, préalablement à son Compendium, de nous... more
PAR MATHIEU TERRIER Aux frontières de la science naturelle, de la métaphysique et de la religion, le problème de l'éternité ou de la nouveauté du monde a traversé toute l'histoire des idées. Avant le développement d'une astrophysique... more
This chapter offers a brief survey of love in Islamic philosophy. It concentrates on five philosophers: Abu Bakr al-Razi, Farabi, Ibn Sina, Ghazali, and Suhrawardi.