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وضع نسطور أثناء وجوده بالمنفى رسالة قام فيها بتبرير نفسه ونسبها إلى هيراقليدس الدمشقي، احتراساً من إحراقها. فعرف ايفاغريوس سكولاستيكوس (594–536) بوجودها14. فلم يسلم الكتاب على أصله اليوناني الى أيامنا هذه. بيد ان جاثليق كنيسة المشرق مار... more
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      Syriac StudiesSyriac ChristianityChurch of the East theologyNestorianism
This article offers a historical analysis of different attitudes toward Nestorius of Constantinople which became "traditional" and which formed opposing tendencies in various branches of Christianity. The main focus of the article is on... more
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      Manuscript StudiesTheodoret of CyrrhusByzantine StudiesLate Antiquity
NESTORIUS AND THE CHURCH OF THE EAST What is the attitude of the Church of the East towards Nestorius? and how should one understand Nestorius’ own teaching if it is perceived in the context of the East-Syrian tradition of the Church of... more
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      Syriac ChristianityChurch of the East theologyEast Syriac ScholasticismNestorius