AGUASOCIAL presentation - 29 March 2016 -

AguaSociAL is a joint exchange programme which aims to strengthen research cooperation and knowledge sharing between Brazil and Europe within the water related sciences.

AguaSociAL Università degli Studi di Roma Tre Scuola di Economia What is AguaSociAL? AguaSociAL is a joint exchange programme which aims to strengthen research cooperation and knowledge sharing between Brazil and Europe within the water related sciences. Partners Aims of the Project X Research X Exchange X Knowledge X Innovation X Training X Development The Matter of Water Basic Need Transport Disease Source: ChartsBin, 2015. X X Agriculture and Livestock Brazil has the greatest water potential in the world: 8 233 km³/ year Production of Electricity The Amazon River X Is the longest rivers in the world: 6 992 Km X Hydrographic basin: 6 915 000 Km² X Average discharge: 209 000 m³/s Source: World Resources Institute, 2015. Hydroelectric Sector Producers TWh % of world total Net installed capacity GW China 872 23,2 China 194 Brazil 415 11,1 United States 101 Canada 381 10,1 Brazil 84 United States 298 7,9 Canada 76 Russian Federation 167 4,5 Russian Federation 49 Norway 143 3,8 Japan 49 India 126 3,4 India 40 Japan 84 2,2 Norway 30 Venezuela 82 2,2 France 25 Sweden 79 2,1 Italy 22 Rest of the world 1109 29,5 Rest of the world 355 World 3756 100 World 1025 Source: IEA, 2014. Electric Installed Capacity (2012) 1% 2% 0.0009% 27% 70% Hydropower Thermoelectric Wind energy Solar energy Source: ANEEL, 2012. Nuclear The Amazon Region State of Amazonas X X X Extension: 1 570 000 km² Population:3 938 336 (2015 est.) Forest: 44,98 % State of Pará X X X Extension: 1 247 954 km² Population: 8 175 113 Forest: 27,15 % Source: IBGE, 2013; PRODES, 2015. Source: CGI, Imazon, 2012. (2015 est.) Dams in the Amazon Rainforest Actually X X Source: Tundisi et al., 2014. Amazon Region 100 Amazônia Legal 74 Dams in the Amazon Rainforest Actually X X Amazon Region 100 Amazônia Legal 74 Planned X X Source: Tundisi et al., 2014. Amazon Region 137 Amazônia Legal 94 Roma Tre Students’ Visiting October-December 2014 Source: CGI, Imazon, 2010. Usina Hidrelétrica de Tucuruí Usina Hidrelétrica de Belo Monte Rome Visiting and Research at Roma Tre University May-July 2014 Rome Visiting at ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development) May-July 2014 Brussels Green Week 5 June 2014 Brussels Green Week 5 June 2014 Brussels Green Week 5 June 2014 Leeds Visiting and Research at Leeds Beckett University September-October 2015 Leeds International Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design for Society (SEEDS) Conference 2015 17 & 18 September 2015 Rome Meeting with the Yokohama National University 5-6 November 2015 Brazil – Communities Roma Tre Students’ Visiting Nossa Senhora des navigantes (Ilha da Aura) September 2015 – January 2016 Brazil – Communities Roma Tre Students’ Visiting Umarizal (Baiao - Tucuruì) and Nova Olinda, P.A Assurini (Altamira) September 2015 – January 2016 Brazil – Communities Roma Tre Students’ Visiting Santa Luzia (Santarém) and Associaçao dos agricoltores Familiaris do Ramao São Francisco 3 (Manaus) September 2015 – January 2016 Rome Introduction of the project within the courses in Environmental and Development Economics of Roma Tre University Contacts