Working papers by Andrea Cori
SEEDS Working paper 28/2014, October. , 2014
The aim of this work is to evaluate the economic stability of the choices made by the Government ... more The aim of this work is to evaluate the economic stability of the choices made by the Government of Ecuador regarding the management of natural resources in the context of the Revolucion Ciudadana designed to create a society based on Buen Vivir. The choice of an intensification of the mining sector not only shows a change in the government’s perspective (from Sumak Kawsay to sustainable development), but also requires an analysis that highlights the possible risks outlined in the recent theory defined as the Resource Curse Hypothesis. Indeed, in this work, the structural conditions, which the reference theoretical framework suggests are essential to avoiding the Resource Curse Hypothesis, will be analysed in order to assess the economic effectiveness of the change of perspective implemented in the Revolucion
Miscellaneous by Andrea Cori
"Gruppo183" Onlus, Nov 25, 2014
Quando si parla della necessità di convertire l’attuale paradigma produttivo in uno sviluppo che ... more Quando si parla della necessità di convertire l’attuale paradigma produttivo in uno sviluppo che sia sostenibile, il più delle volte, nell’immaginario collettivo si prefigura un futuro mediamente lontano con scenari catastrofici. Probabilmente è perché di riscaldamento globale ed esaurimento delle risorse si parla con insistenza almeno dagl’anni ‘70, ma quel futuro mediamente lontano che per un bel po’ di anni ha rassicurato le nostre coscienze sembra essere arrivato. Per quel che concerne la risorsa idrica, forse una di quelle che meno preoccupava l’opinione pubblica, la situazione è già da alcuni anni allarmante. Già nel 2006, circa 700 milioni di persone in 43 Paesi soffrivano di scarsità d’acqua e si è stimato che, entro il 2025, 1,8 miliardi di persone vivranno in Paesi o regioni con assoluta scarsità d'acqua, e due terzi della popolazione mondiale potrebbe vivere in condizioni di stress idrico"., 04 Novembre 2014
Papers by Andrea Cori
Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership
PurposeIn Italy, worker cooperatives (WCs), whose workers hold major control rights over collecti... more PurposeIn Italy, worker cooperatives (WCs), whose workers hold major control rights over collectively-owned assets, are the leading vehicle for the promotion and development of employee ownership. Worker cooperatives are present in all regions and in most economic sectors, employing about 506,000 workers and generating a turnover of about €22 bn. Despite their history and diffusion, the high prevalence of WCs in Italy is under-researched and -thematised and requires new research.Design/methodology/approachThe paper leverages unpublished primary and secondary data from Centro Studi Legacoop databank, the Aida-Bureau Van Dijk databank and the Cooperative Registry of the Ministry of Economic Development (CRMED) to explain the spread of WCs in Italy.FindingsThis paper reveals descriptive statistics of WCs and investigates their distribution across economic sectors and regions, their economic and financial performance and gives an overview of the relevant legislation. The paper indicates...
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues
La società del Buen Vivir voluta da Raphael Correa sembra intraprendere un cammino indirizzato su... more La società del Buen Vivir voluta da Raphael Correa sembra intraprendere un cammino indirizzato su una strada alternativa ma con un motore per nulla nuovo La Revolucion Ciudadana (rivoluzione di cittadinanza), il progetto politico nato dalla coalizione dei movimenti politici e sociali guidata da Rafael Correa, Presidente dell'Ecuador dal 2007, ha creato più di qualche aspettativa tra i tanti studiosi e movimenti sociali, non solo ecuadoriani, che hanno intravisto in essa un incoraggiante tentativo di introdurre un paradigma di sviluppo alternativo a quello mainstream. Del resto, l'obiettivo del progetto politico ecuadoriano si presenta piuttosto ambizioso: costruire una società del Buen Vivir prendendo ispirazione dalla cosmovisione indigena del Sumak Kawsay, una società che sia pienamente sostenibile e inclusiva. Ma quanto vi è di retorica politica in quest'ambizioso progetto e quanto vi è invece di realmente rivoluzionario? Gli ottimi risultati raggiunti in termini soci...
The aim of this work is to evaluate the economic stability of the choices made by the Government ... more The aim of this work is to evaluate the economic stability of the choices made by the Government of Ecuador regarding the management of natural resources in the context of the Revolucion Ciudadana designed to create a society based on Buen Vivir. The choice of an intensification of the mining sector not only shows a change in the government’s perspective (from Sumak Kawsayto sustainable development), but also requires an analysis that highlights the possible risks outlined in the recent theory defined as the Resource Curse Hypothesis. Indeed, in this work, the structural conditions, which the reference theoretical framework suggests are essential to avoiding the Resource Curse Hypothesis, will be analysed in order to assess the economic effectiveness of the change of perspective implemented in the Revolucion Ciudadana.
Development, 2017
Abstract The aim of this article is to evaluate the policies carried out by the Government of Ecu... more Abstract The aim of this article is to evaluate the policies carried out by the Government of Ecuador regarding the management of natural resources in the context of the Revolución Ciudadana, which was designed to create a society based on Buen Vivir. The choice of intensifying the mining sector shows a change in the government’s philosophy (from Sumak Kawsay to neo-extractivism) and requires an analysis that highlights the possible risks outlined by the extensive literature on the Resource Curse Hypothesis. This article analyzes the conditions, which are essential for avoiding the Resource Curse Hypothesis, in order to assess the economic effectiveness of the change of perspective, operated, under the Revolución Ciudadana.
"Quando si parla della necessità di convertire l’attuale paradigma produttivo in uno svilupp... more "Quando si parla della necessità di convertire l’attuale paradigma produttivo in uno sviluppo che sia sostenibile, il più delle volte, nell’immaginario collettivo si prefigura un futuro mediamente lontano con scenari catastrofici. Probabilmente è perché di riscaldamento globale ed esaurimento delle risorse si parla con insistenza almeno dagl’anni ‘70, ma quel futuro mediamente lontano che per un bel po’ di anni ha rassicurato le nostre coscienze sembra essere arrivato. Per quel che concerne la risorsa idrica, forse una di quelle che meno preoccupava l’opinione pubblica, la situazione è già da alcuni anni allarmante. Già nel 2006, circa 700 milioni di persone in 43 Paesi soffrivano di scarsità d’acqua e si è stimato che, entro il 2025, 1,8 miliardi di persone vivranno in Paesi o regioni con assoluta scarsità d'acqua, e due terzi della popolazione mondiale potrebbe vivere in condizioni di stress idrico".
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues
The purpose of this contribution is to photograph and describe, with reasonable accuracy and begi... more The purpose of this contribution is to photograph and describe, with reasonable accuracy and beginning from the territorial, time and sectoral distribution, the Italian cooperative universe in all its main economic, size and qualitative variables. In the light of the economic crisis triggered by the present epidemic, the mapping work also takes on a further importance in outlining a perspective of analyses on the future impacts of the recession, on the resilience of the cooperative movement and on the role it will be able to play in counteracting the decline in industry and employment.
Journal articles by Andrea Cori
Cori, A., Granata, M., Lelo, K., Monni, S.,(2021) ” Mapping cooperatives in Italy“, in Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues“, Volume 8 (3): 136-163 Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 2021
The purpose of this contribution is to photograph and describe, with reasonable accuracy and begi... more The purpose of this contribution is to photograph and describe, with reasonable accuracy and beginning from the territorial, time and sectoral distribution, the Italian cooperative universe in all its main economic, size and qualitative variables. In the light of the economic crisis triggered by the present epidemic, the mapping work also takes on a further importance in outlining a perspective of analyses on the future impacts of the recession, on the resilience of the cooperative movement and on the role it will be able to play in counteracting the decline in industry and employment.
The aim of this article is to evaluate the policies carried out by the Government of Ecuador rega... more The aim of this article is to evaluate the policies carried out by the Government of Ecuador regarding the management of natural resources in the context of the Revolución Ciudadana, which was designed to create a society based on Buen Vivir. The choice of intensifying the mining sector shows a change in the government’s philosophy (from Sumak Kawsay to neo-extractivism) and requires an analysis that highlights the possible risks outlined by the extensive literature on the Resource Curse Hypothesis. This article analyzes the conditions, which are essential for avoiding the Resource Curse Hypothesis, in order to assess the economic effectiveness of the change of perspective, operated, under the Revolución Ciudadana.
Book Reviews by Andrea Cori
Working papers by Andrea Cori
Miscellaneous by Andrea Cori
Papers by Andrea Cori
Journal articles by Andrea Cori
Book Reviews by Andrea Cori