Books by Giacomo Bardelli
Monographien des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums 163, 2022
La conoscenza delle Marche di epoca preromana è affidata in gran parte allo studio delle testimo... more La conoscenza delle Marche di epoca preromana è affidata in gran parte allo studio delle testimonianze provenienti dalle necropoli dei diversi siti della regione, abitati un tempo da popolazioni che per convenzione sono indicate col nome di Piceni. Grazie a ricerche sempre più approfondite, il patrimonio archeologico piceno sta rivelando in anni recenti una notevole varietà, indice dello sviluppo di molti centri durante l’età del Ferro e di proficui contatti culturali con altre regioni all’interno e all’esterno dei confini dell’Italia preromana.
Tra i principali centri piceni si segnala in particolar modo l’antica Numana, situata sulla costa adriatica alle pendici del Monte Conero, nell’odierna provincia di Ancona. Le ricchissime necropoli locali comprendono circa 2000 sepolture e testimoniano la crescita dell’insediamento costiero attraverso molteplici fasi, dal IX secolo a.C. fino alla romanizzazione, al centro di legami a lungo raggio che inclusero il Piceno in una rete via via sempre più fitta, estesa tra la Grecia, l’area balcanica, la penisola italica e l’area mitteleuropea. Nel novero dei più importanti ritrovamenti locali, il »Circolo delle Fibule« si segnala in particolar modo per la composizione dei corredi funerari delle sue nove tombe, rese celebri a causa del numero esorbitante di fibule deposte al loro interno – oltre 1200 esemplari, di tipologie e materiali differenti. Scoperto nel 1970 e mai pubblicato integralmente, questo contesto chiave dell’archeologia picena è qui presentato all’interno di uno studio specifico, che illustra la varietà dei materiali in esso rinvenuti e la complessità del costume funerario locale. Attraverso l’esame dei corredi funerari si coglie un’eco dei processi di strutturazione sociale in atto a Numana tra la fine del VII secolo a. C. e il principio del V secolo a. C., in bilico tra un forte conservatorismo e le prime aperture a quei contatti internazionali che, nel corso del V secolo a. C., avrebbero fatto di questo sito uno dei principali scali adriatici.
Knowledge of the Marche region in pre-Roman times is largely entrusted to the study of the evidence from the necropolises of the various sites in the region, once inhabited by populations that are conventionally referred to as Picene. Thanks to increasingly in-depth research, the Picenian archaeological heritage is revealing a remarkable variety in recent years, indicative of the development of many centres during the Iron Age and of fruitful cultural contacts with other regions within and outside the borders of pre-Roman Italy.
Among the main Picene centres, special mention should be made of ancient Numana, located on the Adriatic coast on the slopes of Monte Conero, in today's province of Ancona. The extremely rich local necropolises include around 2000 burials and bear witness to the growth of the coastal settlement through multiple phases, from the 9th century B.C. to Romanisation, at the centre of long-range links that included the Picenum in an increasingly dense network extending between Greece, the Balkan area, the Italic peninsula and the Central European area.
Among the most important local finds, the "Circolo delle Fibule" is particularly notable for the composition of the funerary objects found in its nine tombs, made famous by the exorbitant number of fibulae deposited in them - more than 1,200 specimens of different types and materials. Discovered in 1970 and never fully published, this key context of Picenian archaeology is presented here as part of a specific study that illustrates the variety of materials found in it and the complexity of local funerary customs. Through the examination of the grave goods, an echo of the processes of social structuring taking place in Numana between the end of the 7th century B.C. and the beginning of the 5th century B.C. can be grasped, poised between a strong conservatism and the first openings to those international contacts that, during the 5th century B.C., would make this site one of the main Adriatic ports.
Gli Etruschi erano straordinari artigiani del bronzo: lo dimostrano sia i numerosi ritrovamenti a... more Gli Etruschi erano straordinari artigiani del bronzo: lo dimostrano sia i numerosi ritrovamenti archeologici sia i riferimenti delle fonti antiche. Soprattutto tra il VI e il V secolo a.C., le officine dei bronzisti etruschi raggiunsero un elevato livello di abilità artigianale e si specializzarono nella produzione di arredi domestici e da banchetto, esportati in ogni zona del Mediterraneo e a nord delle Alpi. Tra i prodotti più pregiati della bronzistica etrusca figurano i tripodi a verghette, un gruppo di sostegni assemblati tramite una complessa architettura di elementi in bronzo fuso con decorazioni figurate. Considerati tra gli accessori da banchetto più importanti e significativi, i tripodi venivano spesso deposti all'interno di sfarzose sepolture, in Etruria e non solo. A causa del loro valore simbolico, inoltre, potevano essere all'occorrenza dedicati nei santuari. Un loro tratto distintivo è rappresentato in particolare dalle decorazioni, che grazie a uno spiccato carattere ornamentale e narrativo trasformavano questi manufatti in supporti per la rappresentazione di episodi mitologici. Attraverso l'analisi degli aspetti tecnologici e stilistici dei tripodi a verghette, questo studio dettagliato cerca di chiarirne i rapporti tipologici con gli antecedenti dal Vicino Oriente e dalla Grecia, svelando le caratteristiche, la funzione e il signifi cato di questi particolari oggetti di prestigio delle élites arcaiche.
Im Jahr 1864 gefunden, stellte das Grab von Bad Dürkheim mit seinem Inhalt eine der allerersten H... more Im Jahr 1864 gefunden, stellte das Grab von Bad Dürkheim mit seinem Inhalt eine der allerersten Herausforderungen für die Restaurierungswerkstätten des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums dar. Daneben weckten die Funde aus Gold und Bronze, die er für etruskische Importe hielt, das wissenschaftliche Interesse von Ludwig Lindenschmit d. Ä., dem damaligen Direktor des RGZM.
In der Tat umfasste das Grabinventar neben einem zweirädrigen Wagen und Goldschmuck keltischer Herstellung ein bronzenes Bankettset italischer Herkunft. Für wen war eine solche Ausstattung gedacht? Und wieso ist das Grab über 150 Jahre nach seiner Entdeckung für die Forschung am RGZM noch so wichtig? Zwischen dem 6. und dem 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. entstanden in mehreren Gebieten nördlich der Alpen Siedlungszentren, die oft mit extrem reichen Prunkgräbern in Verbindung stehen. Eine ähnliche Situation bestand sehr wahrscheinlich auch im Raum Bad Dürkheim. Ausgehend von den jüngsten Forschungen werden in diesem Buch mehrere Aspekte des Grabes von Bad Dürkheim und seiner Beigaben hinterfragt. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit gilt dem von der italischen Halbinsel importierten Bronzeset aufgrund seiner außergewöhnlichen hohen Qualität. Im Vordergrund stehen natürlich alle Funde mit ihren antiken und modernen Geschichten, die teilweise die Geschichte des RGZM widerspiegeln.
Edited Books by Giacomo Bardelli
The papers collected in this volume are dedicated to different case studies, focusing on the arch... more The papers collected in this volume are dedicated to different case studies, focusing on the archaeological and cultural contexts of ancient weapons, their practical and symbolic use, and the complexity of their technological features.
Ergonomic design, the finest selection of materials, and high-developed technological background: pre-, protohistoric and classical weapons have always been some of the most appreciated items by warfare specialists all over the world. Modern archaeology goes beyond the interest in the exterior appearance of ancient weapons and considers the single objects as starting points to explore new research avenues. Far from being objects for amateurs and collectors, ancient weapons become protagonists in historical and scientific reconstructions, with a huge potential as sources of knowledge.
Monographien des RGZM, Band 137, 2017
Das Prunkgrab von Bad Dürkheim, eine der reichsten Bestattungen der Frühlatènezeit, zählt zu den ... more Das Prunkgrab von Bad Dürkheim, eine der reichsten Bestattungen der Frühlatènezeit, zählt zu den spektakulärsten Funden in Rheinland-Pfalz. 1864 zufällig entdeckt und unter turbulenten Umständen geborgen, enthielt das Grab – sehr wahrscheinlich ein Grabhügel – raffinierten Schmuck, einen verzierten Wagen keltischer Herstellung sowie ein Bankettset mit Importstücken aus Italien.
Das Gros der Funde wurde unmittelbar nach der Entdeckung am Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum restauriert und ist heute im Historischen Museum der Pfalz zu Speyer ausgestellt, während andere Fragmente in das Szépművészeti Múzeum in Budapest gelangten.
Anlässlich des 150-jährigen Jubiläums seiner Entdeckung standen das Grab und sein Inhalt im Rahmen eines internationalen Kolloquiums 2014 in Speyer wieder zur Diskussion. Die Lage des Grabes, die Restaurierung der Funde am RGZM, die feine Goldschmiedearbeit des Schmucks, die Spuren der ersten Latènekunst am Wagen, die Auswertung des etruskischen Stabdreifußes: Die Ergebnisse des Speyerer Treffens sind hier mit weiteren allgemeinen Beiträgen zu verwandten Themen zusammengestellt und werden – zum ersten Mal – mit allen Dokumenten zur Restaurierungsgeschichte präsentiert. Somit findet das Grab von Bad Dürkheim endlich eine angemessene Vorlage und bekräftigt damit seine Rolle als Schlüsselfund für die Erforschung der Frühlatènezeit und der Kulturkontakte zwischen dem Mittelmeergebiet und dem keltischen Norden.
Papers by Giacomo Bardelli
M. Guggisber / M. Grawher (eds.), Economy and Cultural Contact in the Mediterranean Iron Age. Panel 5.9. Proceedings of the 19 th International Congress of Classical Archaeology Cologne/Bonn, 22 – 26 May 2018 Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World, vol. 32, 2022
Rivista di Archeologia, 2021
Amber was abundantly widespread on the Italian peninsula during the Early Iron Age. Especially fr... more Amber was abundantly widespread on the Italian peninsula during the Early Iron Age. Especially from the end of the 7th century BC, there is a higher concentration of amber artefacts from archaeological contexts in the Picenum. This is probably due to the increasingly important role of the region in acquir- ing and trading raw material. This paper examines some non- figural amber objects from the female graves of two major burial contexts in ancient Numana (AN) – the ‘Circolo delle Fibule’ and the ‘Tomba della Regina’. Most of the pieces orig- inally belonged to necklaces and jewellery sets that cannot be entirely reconstructed. Amber inlays were also used to decor- ate fibulae with bone coating. A specific type of full-dress fibu- lae was also decorated with massive amber lumps assembled through metallic joints. Some of these objects were part of the local attire and were used to display social ranking and traditions. In addition, a peculiar belt with amber tiles from the ‘Tomba della Regina’ allows us to explore the inter- national circulation of composite amber sets.
In: G. Bardelli / R. Graells i Fabregat (eds.), Ancient Weapons. New Research Perspectives on Weapons and Warfare. Proceedings of the International Conference, Mainz, September 20th-21th 2019. RGZM Tagunen 44 (Mainz 2021) 49-69, 2021
Studies on the Weapons of Poseidonia-Paestum (prov Salerno / I) 1 Azzurra Scarci Iron and Bronze ... more Studies on the Weapons of Poseidonia-Paestum (prov Salerno / I) 1 Azzurra Scarci Iron and Bronze Weapons from the Sanctuary at Monte Casale (prov Syracuse / I) as »ex voto par Transformation, ex voto par Destination« Claudio Negrini Weapons and the Symbolic Representation of Warriors in the Necropoleis of Romagna (Italy) between the 10 th and the 5 th Century BC
Ocnus, 2020
Sets of banqueting metallic vessels became common in Picene grave assemblages since the 7th centu... more Sets of banqueting metallic vessels became common in Picene grave assemblages since the 7th century BC. A chronological overview of some of the main burial contexts of the Marche region reveals recurring patterns in the selection and combination of vessels for the grave. Three main features can be identi ed by comparing the richest graves and the wide spectrum of shapes. Firstly, the majority of the vessels were imported – initially from Etruria and from the northern regions (7th century BC), later also from Greece (6th century BC), and then again mainly from Etruria (5th century BC). Secondly, the local production of vessels was usually in- spired by imported items and reached its height with the cistae of the so called “Ancona Group” (second half of the 7th century BC) and the imitations of some Laconic vessels (6th century BC). Finally, the presence of earlier objects in the grave assemblages became increasingly frequent starting from the end of the orientalising period. Some case studies from the necropolis of Numana (Ancona) can help us de ne more speci cally the local development of these features.
This paper discusses a rod tripod found in tomb 64 in the area Quagliotti in Sirolo (Ancona), a s... more This paper discusses a rod tripod found in tomb 64 in the area Quagliotti in Sirolo (Ancona), a sector of a necropolis of the ancient Picenean settlement of Numana. In the first part of the paper the burial context and its assemblage are briefly introduced, with some remarks on the structure of the grave and on the spatial distribution of the objects inside the chamber. The tripod is then analysed in detail: according to the few comparisons available, it can be attributed to a type of rod tripods that were probably manufactured in Urartu during the 8th century BC. The results of lead isotope analysis attached to the paper do not invalidate this attribution. The considerable chronological hiatus between the tripod and the rest of the grave assemblage, which dates to the end of the 5th century BC, allows some considerations regarding the ancient route that brought the tripod to Numana and its possible status as a “curated” object.
Holger Baitinger / Martin Schönfelder (hrsg.), Hallstatt und Italien. Festschrift für Markus Egg. RGZM Monographien 154, 2019
Su diversi tipi di elmi etruschi ed italici era presente un lophos, fissato tramite piccole appl... more Su diversi tipi di elmi etruschi ed italici era presente un lophos, fissato tramite piccole appliques in bronzo fuso, inserite tramite perni o saldate sulla calotta. Verso la fine del VI secolo a. C., con il tipo »Vetulonia« degli elmi Negau, ebbe inizio la produzione di una serie caratteristica di appliques figurate, ben riconoscibili per le scelte iconografiche ricorrenti e per gli aspetti stilistici, affini a quelli della produzione bronzistica vulcente. Simili appliques decoravano però anche gli elmi italico-calcidesi e i cosiddetti »Prunkhelme«. Accanto a un catalogo di oltre 150 appliques, si presentano alcune riflessioni circa la loro combinazione e il significato del loro utilizzo su elmi di diverso tipo nel corso del V secolo a. C.
Several Etruscan and Italic helmets were decorated with a crest. This was attached to the helmet by means of small bronze appliques, which were inserted or brazed on the surface. Towards the end of the 6th century BC some particular appliques associated with the Negau helmets of the type »Vetulonia« started to be produced. These appliques are distinguished by recurring iconographic subjects and by a peculiar style, which can be associated to one of the Vulcian bronze craftmanship. Similar appliques also decorated Italic-Chalcidian helmets and the so-called Prunkhelme. A catalogue of more than 150 appliques is here presented, together with some considerations about their combination and meaning on different helmet types within the 5th century BC.
Archeologia Classica, 2019
Celebrating the 70th anniversary of the iconic journal
ISBN: 978-88-913-1872-5
Pub Year: 2019
Bin... more Celebrating the 70th anniversary of the iconic journal
ISBN: 978-88-913-1872-5
Pub Year: 2019
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 818, 94 ill. Col.
Size: 17 x 24 cm
Fast keine anderen Bronzeobjekte der Etrusker kombinieren aufwendige Konstruktion mit kunstvollem... more Fast keine anderen Bronzeobjekte der Etrusker kombinieren aufwendige Konstruktion mit kunstvollem Aussehen wie die archaischen Stabdreifüße. Neben der praktischen Anwendung als Ständer zeichnen sie sich durch die lebhaften figürlichen Dekorationen mit mythologischen Geschichten aus. Ihre geringe Anzahl deutet auf eine sehr besondere Serie hin, die zweifellos für prächtige Symposien angefertigt wurde, aber auch außerhalb Etruriens sehr geschätzt war.
W. Rutishauser (Hrsg.) Etrusker – Antike Hochkultur im Schatten Roms, 2017
W. Rutishauser (Hrsg.) Etrusker – Antike Hochkultur im Schatten Roms, 2017
Das Prunkgrab von Bad Dürkheim 150 Jahre nach der Entdeckung. Monographien des RGZM, Band 137, 2017
Redaktion: Claudia Nickel, Marie Röder (RGZM) Satz: Claudia Nickel (RGZM) Umschlaggestaltung: Gia... more Redaktion: Claudia Nickel, Marie Röder (RGZM) Satz: Claudia Nickel (RGZM) Umschlaggestaltung: Giacomo Bardelli, Reinhard Köster (RGZM)
Das Prunkgrab von Bad Dürkheim 150 Jahre nach der Entdeckung. Monographien des RGZM, Band 137, 2017
Redaktion: Claudia Nickel, Marie Röder (RGZM) Satz: Claudia Nickel (RGZM) Umschlaggestaltung: Gia... more Redaktion: Claudia Nickel, Marie Röder (RGZM) Satz: Claudia Nickel (RGZM) Umschlaggestaltung: Giacomo Bardelli, Reinhard Köster (RGZM)
Das Prunkgrab von Bad Dürkheim 150 Jahre nach der Entdeckung. Monographien des RGZM, Band 137, 2017
Redaktion: Claudia Nickel, Marie Röder (RGZM) Satz: Claudia Nickel (RGZM) Umschlaggestaltung: Gia... more Redaktion: Claudia Nickel, Marie Röder (RGZM) Satz: Claudia Nickel (RGZM) Umschlaggestaltung: Giacomo Bardelli, Reinhard Köster (RGZM)
SIRIS, 2016
Since 1865, the Antikensammlung of Berlin has held a remarkable archaic bronze tripod in its coll... more Since 1865, the Antikensammlung of Berlin has held a remarkable archaic bronze tripod in its collections. The tripod is also famous among non-specialists due to the animal gures depicted in its sculptural decoration. For a long time, it was believed that the tripod had been discovered in Metapontο, but instead it was found in a tomb in the hinterland of Basilicata. This can be demonstrated by comparing an old excavation report with 19th century archive les. The archive documents are especially important as they allow us to formulate a new hypothesis about the sequence of events preceeding the purchase of the tripod by Count James-Alexandre de Pourtalès-Gorgier. Information about the circumstances of the discovery also leads us to consider the tripod in relation to a recurring phenomenon of hoard- ing. This is strictly connected to the value attributed to similar objects, as parts of grave goods, in several cultures between the Mediterranean and Central Europe.
Discovered in 1864, the tomb of Bad Dürkheim (Rheinland-Pfalz) is reputed as one of the richest b... more Discovered in 1864, the tomb of Bad Dürkheim (Rheinland-Pfalz) is reputed as one of the richest burials amongst the “princely” graves of the rst La Tène period (450-400 BC) in the area between Rhine and Mosel. The grave goods include some golden objects, and the remains of a two-wheeled chariot of local production. A banquet set imported from the Italian Peninsula, composed of a beaked agon, a stamnos, and a rod tripod was also placed in the grave. These objects exemplify some of the nest creations of Early Celtic Art, as well as of Etruscan-Italic bronzesmiths of the Archaic period. An international conference held in Speyer on October 10th, 2014 provided the opportu- nity to reconsider the grave and its signi cance for the study of Central Europe. Some results of the conference are presented in this paper; they focus especially on the restoration process of the grave goods, and on a detailed analysis of the case of the rod tripod.
Books by Giacomo Bardelli
Tra i principali centri piceni si segnala in particolar modo l’antica Numana, situata sulla costa adriatica alle pendici del Monte Conero, nell’odierna provincia di Ancona. Le ricchissime necropoli locali comprendono circa 2000 sepolture e testimoniano la crescita dell’insediamento costiero attraverso molteplici fasi, dal IX secolo a.C. fino alla romanizzazione, al centro di legami a lungo raggio che inclusero il Piceno in una rete via via sempre più fitta, estesa tra la Grecia, l’area balcanica, la penisola italica e l’area mitteleuropea. Nel novero dei più importanti ritrovamenti locali, il »Circolo delle Fibule« si segnala in particolar modo per la composizione dei corredi funerari delle sue nove tombe, rese celebri a causa del numero esorbitante di fibule deposte al loro interno – oltre 1200 esemplari, di tipologie e materiali differenti. Scoperto nel 1970 e mai pubblicato integralmente, questo contesto chiave dell’archeologia picena è qui presentato all’interno di uno studio specifico, che illustra la varietà dei materiali in esso rinvenuti e la complessità del costume funerario locale. Attraverso l’esame dei corredi funerari si coglie un’eco dei processi di strutturazione sociale in atto a Numana tra la fine del VII secolo a. C. e il principio del V secolo a. C., in bilico tra un forte conservatorismo e le prime aperture a quei contatti internazionali che, nel corso del V secolo a. C., avrebbero fatto di questo sito uno dei principali scali adriatici.
Knowledge of the Marche region in pre-Roman times is largely entrusted to the study of the evidence from the necropolises of the various sites in the region, once inhabited by populations that are conventionally referred to as Picene. Thanks to increasingly in-depth research, the Picenian archaeological heritage is revealing a remarkable variety in recent years, indicative of the development of many centres during the Iron Age and of fruitful cultural contacts with other regions within and outside the borders of pre-Roman Italy.
Among the main Picene centres, special mention should be made of ancient Numana, located on the Adriatic coast on the slopes of Monte Conero, in today's province of Ancona. The extremely rich local necropolises include around 2000 burials and bear witness to the growth of the coastal settlement through multiple phases, from the 9th century B.C. to Romanisation, at the centre of long-range links that included the Picenum in an increasingly dense network extending between Greece, the Balkan area, the Italic peninsula and the Central European area.
Among the most important local finds, the "Circolo delle Fibule" is particularly notable for the composition of the funerary objects found in its nine tombs, made famous by the exorbitant number of fibulae deposited in them - more than 1,200 specimens of different types and materials. Discovered in 1970 and never fully published, this key context of Picenian archaeology is presented here as part of a specific study that illustrates the variety of materials found in it and the complexity of local funerary customs. Through the examination of the grave goods, an echo of the processes of social structuring taking place in Numana between the end of the 7th century B.C. and the beginning of the 5th century B.C. can be grasped, poised between a strong conservatism and the first openings to those international contacts that, during the 5th century B.C., would make this site one of the main Adriatic ports.
In der Tat umfasste das Grabinventar neben einem zweirädrigen Wagen und Goldschmuck keltischer Herstellung ein bronzenes Bankettset italischer Herkunft. Für wen war eine solche Ausstattung gedacht? Und wieso ist das Grab über 150 Jahre nach seiner Entdeckung für die Forschung am RGZM noch so wichtig? Zwischen dem 6. und dem 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. entstanden in mehreren Gebieten nördlich der Alpen Siedlungszentren, die oft mit extrem reichen Prunkgräbern in Verbindung stehen. Eine ähnliche Situation bestand sehr wahrscheinlich auch im Raum Bad Dürkheim. Ausgehend von den jüngsten Forschungen werden in diesem Buch mehrere Aspekte des Grabes von Bad Dürkheim und seiner Beigaben hinterfragt. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit gilt dem von der italischen Halbinsel importierten Bronzeset aufgrund seiner außergewöhnlichen hohen Qualität. Im Vordergrund stehen natürlich alle Funde mit ihren antiken und modernen Geschichten, die teilweise die Geschichte des RGZM widerspiegeln.
Edited Books by Giacomo Bardelli
Ergonomic design, the finest selection of materials, and high-developed technological background: pre-, protohistoric and classical weapons have always been some of the most appreciated items by warfare specialists all over the world. Modern archaeology goes beyond the interest in the exterior appearance of ancient weapons and considers the single objects as starting points to explore new research avenues. Far from being objects for amateurs and collectors, ancient weapons become protagonists in historical and scientific reconstructions, with a huge potential as sources of knowledge.
Das Gros der Funde wurde unmittelbar nach der Entdeckung am Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum restauriert und ist heute im Historischen Museum der Pfalz zu Speyer ausgestellt, während andere Fragmente in das Szépművészeti Múzeum in Budapest gelangten.
Anlässlich des 150-jährigen Jubiläums seiner Entdeckung standen das Grab und sein Inhalt im Rahmen eines internationalen Kolloquiums 2014 in Speyer wieder zur Diskussion. Die Lage des Grabes, die Restaurierung der Funde am RGZM, die feine Goldschmiedearbeit des Schmucks, die Spuren der ersten Latènekunst am Wagen, die Auswertung des etruskischen Stabdreifußes: Die Ergebnisse des Speyerer Treffens sind hier mit weiteren allgemeinen Beiträgen zu verwandten Themen zusammengestellt und werden – zum ersten Mal – mit allen Dokumenten zur Restaurierungsgeschichte präsentiert. Somit findet das Grab von Bad Dürkheim endlich eine angemessene Vorlage und bekräftigt damit seine Rolle als Schlüsselfund für die Erforschung der Frühlatènezeit und der Kulturkontakte zwischen dem Mittelmeergebiet und dem keltischen Norden.
Papers by Giacomo Bardelli
Several Etruscan and Italic helmets were decorated with a crest. This was attached to the helmet by means of small bronze appliques, which were inserted or brazed on the surface. Towards the end of the 6th century BC some particular appliques associated with the Negau helmets of the type »Vetulonia« started to be produced. These appliques are distinguished by recurring iconographic subjects and by a peculiar style, which can be associated to one of the Vulcian bronze craftmanship. Similar appliques also decorated Italic-Chalcidian helmets and the so-called Prunkhelme. A catalogue of more than 150 appliques is here presented, together with some considerations about their combination and meaning on different helmet types within the 5th century BC.
ISBN: 978-88-913-1872-5
Pub Year: 2019
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 818, 94 ill. Col.
Size: 17 x 24 cm
Tra i principali centri piceni si segnala in particolar modo l’antica Numana, situata sulla costa adriatica alle pendici del Monte Conero, nell’odierna provincia di Ancona. Le ricchissime necropoli locali comprendono circa 2000 sepolture e testimoniano la crescita dell’insediamento costiero attraverso molteplici fasi, dal IX secolo a.C. fino alla romanizzazione, al centro di legami a lungo raggio che inclusero il Piceno in una rete via via sempre più fitta, estesa tra la Grecia, l’area balcanica, la penisola italica e l’area mitteleuropea. Nel novero dei più importanti ritrovamenti locali, il »Circolo delle Fibule« si segnala in particolar modo per la composizione dei corredi funerari delle sue nove tombe, rese celebri a causa del numero esorbitante di fibule deposte al loro interno – oltre 1200 esemplari, di tipologie e materiali differenti. Scoperto nel 1970 e mai pubblicato integralmente, questo contesto chiave dell’archeologia picena è qui presentato all’interno di uno studio specifico, che illustra la varietà dei materiali in esso rinvenuti e la complessità del costume funerario locale. Attraverso l’esame dei corredi funerari si coglie un’eco dei processi di strutturazione sociale in atto a Numana tra la fine del VII secolo a. C. e il principio del V secolo a. C., in bilico tra un forte conservatorismo e le prime aperture a quei contatti internazionali che, nel corso del V secolo a. C., avrebbero fatto di questo sito uno dei principali scali adriatici.
Knowledge of the Marche region in pre-Roman times is largely entrusted to the study of the evidence from the necropolises of the various sites in the region, once inhabited by populations that are conventionally referred to as Picene. Thanks to increasingly in-depth research, the Picenian archaeological heritage is revealing a remarkable variety in recent years, indicative of the development of many centres during the Iron Age and of fruitful cultural contacts with other regions within and outside the borders of pre-Roman Italy.
Among the main Picene centres, special mention should be made of ancient Numana, located on the Adriatic coast on the slopes of Monte Conero, in today's province of Ancona. The extremely rich local necropolises include around 2000 burials and bear witness to the growth of the coastal settlement through multiple phases, from the 9th century B.C. to Romanisation, at the centre of long-range links that included the Picenum in an increasingly dense network extending between Greece, the Balkan area, the Italic peninsula and the Central European area.
Among the most important local finds, the "Circolo delle Fibule" is particularly notable for the composition of the funerary objects found in its nine tombs, made famous by the exorbitant number of fibulae deposited in them - more than 1,200 specimens of different types and materials. Discovered in 1970 and never fully published, this key context of Picenian archaeology is presented here as part of a specific study that illustrates the variety of materials found in it and the complexity of local funerary customs. Through the examination of the grave goods, an echo of the processes of social structuring taking place in Numana between the end of the 7th century B.C. and the beginning of the 5th century B.C. can be grasped, poised between a strong conservatism and the first openings to those international contacts that, during the 5th century B.C., would make this site one of the main Adriatic ports.
In der Tat umfasste das Grabinventar neben einem zweirädrigen Wagen und Goldschmuck keltischer Herstellung ein bronzenes Bankettset italischer Herkunft. Für wen war eine solche Ausstattung gedacht? Und wieso ist das Grab über 150 Jahre nach seiner Entdeckung für die Forschung am RGZM noch so wichtig? Zwischen dem 6. und dem 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. entstanden in mehreren Gebieten nördlich der Alpen Siedlungszentren, die oft mit extrem reichen Prunkgräbern in Verbindung stehen. Eine ähnliche Situation bestand sehr wahrscheinlich auch im Raum Bad Dürkheim. Ausgehend von den jüngsten Forschungen werden in diesem Buch mehrere Aspekte des Grabes von Bad Dürkheim und seiner Beigaben hinterfragt. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit gilt dem von der italischen Halbinsel importierten Bronzeset aufgrund seiner außergewöhnlichen hohen Qualität. Im Vordergrund stehen natürlich alle Funde mit ihren antiken und modernen Geschichten, die teilweise die Geschichte des RGZM widerspiegeln.
Ergonomic design, the finest selection of materials, and high-developed technological background: pre-, protohistoric and classical weapons have always been some of the most appreciated items by warfare specialists all over the world. Modern archaeology goes beyond the interest in the exterior appearance of ancient weapons and considers the single objects as starting points to explore new research avenues. Far from being objects for amateurs and collectors, ancient weapons become protagonists in historical and scientific reconstructions, with a huge potential as sources of knowledge.
Das Gros der Funde wurde unmittelbar nach der Entdeckung am Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum restauriert und ist heute im Historischen Museum der Pfalz zu Speyer ausgestellt, während andere Fragmente in das Szépművészeti Múzeum in Budapest gelangten.
Anlässlich des 150-jährigen Jubiläums seiner Entdeckung standen das Grab und sein Inhalt im Rahmen eines internationalen Kolloquiums 2014 in Speyer wieder zur Diskussion. Die Lage des Grabes, die Restaurierung der Funde am RGZM, die feine Goldschmiedearbeit des Schmucks, die Spuren der ersten Latènekunst am Wagen, die Auswertung des etruskischen Stabdreifußes: Die Ergebnisse des Speyerer Treffens sind hier mit weiteren allgemeinen Beiträgen zu verwandten Themen zusammengestellt und werden – zum ersten Mal – mit allen Dokumenten zur Restaurierungsgeschichte präsentiert. Somit findet das Grab von Bad Dürkheim endlich eine angemessene Vorlage und bekräftigt damit seine Rolle als Schlüsselfund für die Erforschung der Frühlatènezeit und der Kulturkontakte zwischen dem Mittelmeergebiet und dem keltischen Norden.
Several Etruscan and Italic helmets were decorated with a crest. This was attached to the helmet by means of small bronze appliques, which were inserted or brazed on the surface. Towards the end of the 6th century BC some particular appliques associated with the Negau helmets of the type »Vetulonia« started to be produced. These appliques are distinguished by recurring iconographic subjects and by a peculiar style, which can be associated to one of the Vulcian bronze craftmanship. Similar appliques also decorated Italic-Chalcidian helmets and the so-called Prunkhelme. A catalogue of more than 150 appliques is here presented, together with some considerations about their combination and meaning on different helmet types within the 5th century BC.
ISBN: 978-88-913-1872-5
Pub Year: 2019
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 818, 94 ill. Col.
Size: 17 x 24 cm
In this contribution we aim to propose an overview of the currently known Etruscan bronze items from Numana, examining a consistent nucleus of burials and adequately taking into account both the limits of the investigated sample and the chronological extension of the evidence. For these reasons, the introductory part of the contribution is dedi- cated to an updated survey of the main funerary areas.
Vor fast 100 Jahren wurde im vorgeschichtlichen Castro de Las Cogotas (prov. Ávila), im Zentrum der Iberischen Halbinsel,
ein Fragment eines bronzenen Dreifußes entdeckt. Es handelt sich dabei um ein isoliertes Stück im westlichen
Mittelmeergebiet, das hier zum ersten Mal ausführlich untersucht wird. Daneben werden morphologische und technische
Details präsentiert, die die Besonderheiten sowie Vorbilder des Objekts darstellen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung
und die Analogie zu anderen Bronzen ähnlicher Zeitstellung weisen auf die Existenz von Bronzewerkstätten auf
der Iberischen Halbinsel hin, die während der archaischen Periode enge Verbindungen zu griechischen sowie etruskischen
Werkstätten hatten. Dies scheint eine Kontinuität mit der einheimischen Toreutik der orientalisierenden Zeit zu
A bronze rod-tripod from Las Cogotas (Cardeñosa, prov. Ávila): the adoption of technical and formal models from the Mediterranean region by the archaic toreutics of the Iberian Peninsula
About 100 years ago the fragment of a bronze tripod was discovered in the protohistoric Castro de Las Cogotas (prov.
Ávila), in the centre of the Iberian Peninsula. This exemplar represents an isolated find in the Western Mediterranean
and it is properly investigated here for the first time. Formal and technical details will be presented to illustrate the
peculiarities and the models behind the object. The results and the analogies with other bronze artefacts of similar
chronology suggest the existence of Iberian bronze workshops with close relations to Greek and Etruscan ones. This
evidence seems to prove a continuation of local orientalising toreutics.
and high-developed technological background:
to this date pre-, protohistoric and classical
weapons have been some of the most appreciated
items by warfare specialists all over the world.
Modern archaeology goes beyond the interest
in the exterior appearance of ancient weapons
and focuses on the study of the single objects
to explore new research avenues.
Technological transfer, social interaction and
conflict dynamics of ancient societies can be
investigated through the analysis of weapons
and warfare considering their material and
symbolic features. Far from being objects for
amateurs and collectors, ancient weapons
become protagonists in historical and scientific
reconstructions, with a huge potential as sources
of knowledge.
This conference is dedicated to the comparison
of different research strategies on ancient
weapons and warfare. The discussion will focus
on weapons and on their archaeological and
cultural contexts, their practical and symbolic use,
and the complexity of their technological features.
A selection of case studies presented in four small
thematic sessions will offer the opportunity to
develop interdisciplinary debates and define
future research paths.
1865 wurden dann die Beigaben vom Historischen Museum der Pfalz in Speyer erworben. 150 Jahre später, am selben Tag, wird das Jubiläum der Grabentdeckung von beiden Museen mit einem wissenschaftlichen Kolloquium gefeiert.
Giacomo Bardelli – Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum ([email protected])
Nell’estate del 1989 veniva scoperta a Sirolo una fra le sepolture più ricche e spettacolari mai rinvenute nelle necropoli delle Marche e dell’Italia preromana. La fama della “Tomba della Regina” deriva soprattutto dal suo eccezionale corredo, studiato e pubblicato finora solo in minima parte e perlopiù limitatamente al set di ceramica attica, nonché a una selezione del vasellame e dell’instrumentum da simposio e degli elementi di ornamento della defunta. Un progetto di studio internazionale permette finalmente di affrontare lo studio sistematico di ogni aspetto di questa tomba, tramite una revisione dettagliata della documentazione di scavo e la prosecuzione dei restauri dei materiali. I dati finora raccolti arricchiscono il quadro già noto e aiutano a decifrare i molteplici livelli del rituale funerario, in equilibrio tra la tradizione locale e la dimensione dei contatti a lungo raggio tra il mondo mediterraneo e mitteleuropeo.
The „Tomba della Regina“ from Sirolo: new researches 30 years after the discovery
In the summer of 1989 one of the richest and most spectacular burials from the necropoleis of the Marche region and of pre-roman Italy was discovered in Sirolo. The famous “Tomba della Regina” is known mostly because of its extraordinary grave assemblage, although only a few items have been studied and published so far – i.e. the set of Attic pottery, a selection of pottery and instrumentum for the banquet, and a few items of jewellery of the deceased. An international research project finally allows to study in detail every aspect of this grave, by re-examining the documentation of the excavation and by carrying on the restoration of the grave goods. The collected data update the state of the research and help to understand the different levels of the funerary ritual, revealing a perfect balance between the local tradition and a dimension of Mediterranean and Middle-european networks.