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After a family member died I took on the task of digitizing several laundry baskets of photo prints.

I bought an Epson ES-580 automated document feed scanner, and still am pleased whenever I use it. The workflow for digitizing them was: USB stick directly in the scanner, put ~200 same-size photos at a time in the feeder, press "Go" and it'd scan about 3 seconds per photo (at 600 DPI, closer to 1 at 300 DPI). While scanning I'd set up the next stack, and periodically copy everything from the USB stick to a NAS.

Incidentally I used to work in a film darkroom and have a bit of experience with negative and slide scanners. Even in the best cases, they're tedious and finicky. If you want to digitize a perfectly clean 35 mm and scale it up to poster size then perhaps it's worth the effort. If you want to just preserve memories, even a bad photo of a damaged 4x6 print can still mean a lot.

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