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Show HN: Ray Tracing in One Weekend v4.0.0 (raytracing.github.io)
58 points by hollasch 15 hours ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
Since this is a major new release (three and a half years in development), I think this should be ok for Show HN.

This release has lots of new material, fixes, and updates across the three books in this series. All three books are online and free, with accompanying code available from GitHub. Enjoy!

Wonderful, thank you for providing this content at no cost. Would there be a description of what new material was added in this version?


Most of the changes are in the v4.0.0-alpha.1 and v4.0.0-alpha.2 releases.

This book was wonderful. I worked through it and it made it super easy to create one. Thank you for writing this!

(https://github.com/chunky/sqlraytracer was the one I created. Slightly obtuse but I really enjoyed writing it)

> I don't want to live in a world where someone else is making the world a better place better than I am.

Oh yea? Well I'm planning on making "Ray Tracing in _One Afternoon_" and I'm going to not only make it public domain, I'm going to personally deliver a printed copy to everyone in the world.

(RTOW is lovely. I love how it has evolved. Thank you!)

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