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Notes on Remitting Stripe Tax to the UK and EU (tedpiotrowski.svbtle.com)
25 points by tppiotrowski 23 hours ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Unless you’re doing something like 1mil ARR it’s not worth the hassle, just use a Merchant of Record (e.g. Paddle or Lemon Squeezy) so you never have to deal with this and just focus on growth/product/etc.

Paying extra 2% is not gonna kill your margins. If it breaks your bank, just raise your prices by 2%.

(I’m talking about B2B)


Lemon Squeezy is exactly what I needed but failed to find the required keywords to make it surface in Google search results.

Ironically they were just acquired by Stripe today. I'll keep this guide up nonetheless in case the fees start to increase in the future.

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