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Nancy Pelosi Bought 10,000 Shares of NVIDIA [pdf] (house.gov)
21 points by belter 85 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Buying Nvidia after their meteoric rise and selling Tesla after the stock tumbled is not a particularly ... novel set of trades.

Maybe it's a new PR move to seem more approachable, by buying high and selling low like the rest of us.

NVDA meteoric rise was also from like 80 to 300 as well... And look where we are at now...

Yeah price is flying through the roof until it isn’t and reality slaps insane expectations in the face. FOMO is going to wreck a lot of retail investors.

Maybe Mrs. Pelosi started lurking /r/wallstreetbets.

Reminder for everyone, if you want to invest like members of congress, you have two ETF available, depending on your political leaning: https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/members-congress-buy-and-sel...

Just note, since this is commonly elided by Unusual Whales et al: For anyone thinking they want to copy-trade members of congress because you believe they have an information advantage, be aware that information advantage is long gone by the time you see them report their trades (45 days later).

its a max of 45 days delay, may be reported earlier, way earlier

secondly, we don't know any trader’s investment time frame. Pelosi's prior NVDA trades languished for quite some time before mooning. The “investor awareness” campaign was successful and alpha was still available.

At $125 each, that's $1.25 million in shares of one company. I like to think I'm doing well enough for myself, financially, but damn. Her and her husband's net worth is north of $100 million.

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