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ah, this is the answer I was hoping for. thank you!

on second read, this is something that is set up on the service-side. I.e. if our service goes down, we would also stop sending data to Signoz Cloud. We wouldn't be able to run a status check, let alone send it to signoz cloud.

hey Signoz maintainer here. You can set up alerts to send notifications when there is data missing from your services for configurable periods of time. For example, alert if the data goes missing for the last 5 minutes. Yet to update this in docs, but please find some info here: https://signoz.io/blog/community-update-35/#upgraded-functio...

you can add https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-co... at signoz's otel-collector which will scrape your service's endpoint periodically. If your service is down, this will give 5xx error and you can set an alert on that.

Another alternative is to use an alert to notify on a metric being absent for sometime. Both of these should work

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