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Only to add some historical context, ESPOL/NEWP for Burroughs B5000 in 1961 were one of the first systems programming languages with unsafe, many others followed upon that.

Burroughs B5000 had an additional feature for executables using unsafe code that we only have nowadays on managed runtimes like Java and CLR, binaries with unsafe code were tainted and required someone with admin access to enable them for execution.

Regarding C and C++, Visual Studio, Clion and clang tidy are the best we have in terms of tooling for the general public supporting the Core Guidelines (including lifetime checks), and they are still relatively basic in what they can actually validate.

AIUI, Modula-3 provided an ability to actually encapsulate unsafety, in that the concept was elevated to the level of interfaces. Did any language prior to Modula-3 have that capability?

I think that's fundamentally different---although related---to just having an `unsafe` keyword. To take something I know well, Go has an `unsafe` package that acts as a sort of unsafe keyword. If we ignore data races, you can say that a Go program can't violate memory safety if there is no use of the `unsafe` package.

The problem though is that you can't really build new `unsafe` abstractions. You can't write a function that might cause UB on some inputs in a way that requires the caller to write `unsafe`. (You can do this by convention of course, e.g., by putting `Unsafe` in the name of the function.)

In Rust, `unsafe` doesn't just give you the ability to, e.g., dereference raw pointers. It also is required in order to call other `unsafe` functions. You get the benefit of composition so that you can build arbitrary abstractions around `unsafe` with the compiler's support.

My understanding is that Modula-3 supported this style of encapsulation (which is what I was talking about in this thread). What languages prior to Modula-3 supported it, or was Modula-3 the first?

Starting with that 1961 example, ESPOL/NEWP.

Since Unisys still sells Burroughs, nowadays ClearPath MCP, you can get the latest NEWP manual here, section 8.


Followed by Mesa/Cedar (CHECKED, TRUSTED, UNCHECKED), Modula-2 (IMPORT SYSTEM), the languages of Oberon linage (which follow up on the IMPORT SYSTEM approach), Ada (using Unchecked),....

In the languages that use the IMPORT SYSTEM approach, the compiler can mark the module as unsafe, and anything that might depend on it.

Some the Modula-3 folks worked previously on Cedar at Xerox, by the way.

Mesa - http://www.bitsavers.org/pdf/xerox/mesa/5.0_1979/documentati...

Cedar - http://www.bitsavers.org/pdf/xerox/parc/cedar/Cedar_7.0/09_C...

Very interesting. Thank you.

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