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Anyone got a tl:dr; as a incentive hook to read through this? It is 20 lines of huge text with a navigation bar full of rendering errors so not that inviting for spending time on it.

>It is 20 lines of huge text with a navigation bar full of rendering errors so not that inviting for spending time on it.

From a self-proclaimed "webdesigner and developer" no less. Apparently he missed the memo on responsive design.

The conclusion section at the end sums it up. Although the title is pretty clickbait for developers, the article targets website designers on the far side of artistic spectrum.

I read far too much of it and got nothing beyond “too many websites look the same”. Horrible, careless writing and proofreading. One interesting idea was that “usability”, although it’s the conventional standard, is not always desirable—friction and surprise in design can be preferable.

This site completely breaks my browser’s zoom function, making it almost unusable. Perhaps that was intentional.

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