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Long-term 1Password customer here as well. I understand you are willing to sacrifice security for convenience. I wouldn't mind the recurrent payment, I just cannot imagine to put both the app (which now is online) and the data in the same company hands. I couldn't live like that.

Same, I don't mind the recurring payment all that much - their apps are excellent. I used the subscription for the apps with a synced file for a couple years.

But the cloud push is absurd, and it got too aggressive for me to stomach. It means I no longer have local backups (this screwed over a friend, whose data was deleted by 1P immediately after changing account stuff and could not be recovered). Browsers are also unambiguously not well-suited for this kind of secure-environment use, as exploit after exploit demonstrates. It makes their website a huge bullseye for hacking, rather than needing to somehow attack their entire user-base independently. It's a profit-oriented decision that makes the product's security, its primary feature, worse.

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