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They were talking about safe investments. I’m not sure most should or would consider ARK funds anything but speculative. The only difference is the companies held have some underlying assets and value.

The hate I usually see in crypto discussions is directed towards index funds or blue-chip stocks.

Outside of index funds and owning real estate/property in Western countries, what else would be considered a safe investment?

My investments knowledge is limited, but I think ARKG is an ETF, but not an index funds.

It is actively managed, meaning that specific stocks are selected to be part of the fund. This is the opposite of an index fund, where the goal is to buy the whole market.

That's why a fund like ARKG can sometime outperform the market, or, like recently, under perform. An index fund would match the whole market performance, no more no less.

Sorry I wasn't referring to ETFs, but strictly index funds when the person was talking about safe investing. I should have clarified in my comment.

Bonds. Some like precious metals. Each asset class has its own amount of risk (they aren't all equally safe).

Index funds are a pretty broad class. Risk parity adjusted pairs (TMF/UPRO). Roboadvisors.

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