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Does anyone know how many players have actually declined to play in Qatar because of this modern day slavery?

Can't be that many because I haven't seen any news about it.

I haven't heard anything like that. Seems like the world cup is just going to continue like it always does.

That 400 million dollars of potential prize money, excluding all the extra ad revenue players might receive for wearing a particular brand of shoe or drinking a particular beverage, is enough to evaporate any morals. There's also the prestige factor, the dream of being crowned the best of the best.

I've heard some stories of teams considering a boycot, but very few of those teams had any chance in getting through the qualification round. It's very easy to boycot an event you don't take part in.

For the sake of sports, soccer teams have ignored the horrid treatment of the locals many times over. FIFA is corrupt beyond saving and the Olympic Committee isn't much different. The real game being played is that of the corrupt, taking money to ensure coca cola and friends can sell ads to enough people.

We've seen massive changes in platform culture online when advertisers got scared of being associated with bad stuff, like with Elsagate on YouTube, so I think the only way to get anyone to care is to threaten the income of the parties involved. Treat any advertisement on Qatar 2022 as an endorsement of modern day slavery and be sure to let the web know how you feel. Maybe, just maybe, when the big companies start to pull out, the teams and players will suddenly find their morals again.

To be cynical about it, principles don't buy you Bentleys nor does it attract trophy wives. Not that I'm saying I'm superior, I also like money and the comfort it brings me, in the current system that rules the world.

Sibling comment has been modded to death by talking about players coming from countries with slavery, that seems over the top, but another online comment I've read is that in the Middle East, slavery is right there, meanwhile in the West there is a bit of distance. Who makes your clothes (probably underpaid Bangladeshi, or nowadays, Ughyurs), who makes your electronics (probably Chinese factory workers in not-so-great conditions), or who mined the minerals needed for them?

On the other hand, the players whose decision to boycott the games would have the intended effect of bringing some of the corruption to light and putting pressure on FIFA to not do something similar again almost certainly already have enough money to buy Bentleys and attract trophy wives.

So, if a star player really feels a certain way about this, I'm not sure the money has as much sway over them as it would over someone else, like you or me, or some lesser known player (whose boycott would have much less effect).

A lot of these players are young, almost children, that have dreamed of playing in the world cup their entire life. If they're lucky and incredibly talented they can expect to get another opportunity, but I don't think it's fair to put the onus on them to boycott.

I don't see why working hard and having dreams exempt people from making moral choices. Aside from the fact they have already earned millions. So I don't think it's quite that dramatic.

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