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First of all, neat concept. Small point, on desktop I have a horizontal scroll bar for what appears to be intended as a full width site, which is always a bit of a pet peeve.

I understand it's a technology demonstration, I'm struggling to decouple the clash with my aesthetic sense from the technology/framework. There are so many new UI elements (stuff floating, expanding, appearing on hover) that it really puts me off. E.g. on the navigation group that floats on the right, I guess theoretically it's cool that if you hover over "imagine" it offers a small "expand" button and then there's a neat animation as it drops down. All that feels out of place on a website though, as far as I'm used to them.

Can you expand on who you've found resonates with the tool? Is it mostly people who want a print poster on the internet, or similar image-first, single-page users?

So far it's been mainly small businesses who just want to put up a cheap website quickly.

I can turn a PDF flyer into a website in a couple of hours, and that's been really popular.

It's so fast to put up a site that it would be good for events, like album release parties, etc.

I'm hoping to find a company that would really like to explore the potential — with a good team we could do some amazing stuff.

The long term goal is to make a tool to replace Illustrator and just build regular websites using hybrid SVG/HTML pages (SVG as much as possible, HTML for text/search/accessibility reasons).

Very neat - I love the idea of building tooling for a very specific workflow. Must be satisfying to show people and have them go "what? That's it?!"

> The long term goal is to make a tool to replace Illustrator

As in your ambition is to have the original content creation happen in the tool you make, take Illustrator out of the process entirely? That's ambitious! (or it seems like it, with little actual knowledge of what functionality people use within Illustrator to produce content like this).

I wish you the very best. This has potential to fill in the long standing gap of designs to implementations flash used to fill.

I'm assuming it's closed source to respect your business, but do you keep any kind of blog or progress updates online?

Any chances of open sourcing in the future? :)

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