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Being funded by tech companies doesn't make it industry standard. For one...the tech companies aren't the industry to begin with.

It definitely is a strong show of support for Blender, but there aren't a lot of studios in the industry using Blender, so it's quite far from being anything like a standard yet.

What are your sources? From what I hear, few friends in CG, Blender is gaining ground. Don’t know if there is an official statistic anywhere.

My sources are that I am very involved in the 3D industry groups.

Blender is gaining ground, yes, but most studios are very much Maya based still with Blender used sparingly.

The one major Blender studio (Tangent) has also shuttered and were mid moving away from Blender at the time. I think the next biggest users of Blender are a division within Ubisoft, but it's not the primary DCC for Ubisoft in it's entirety either.

Where Blender is gaining most traction is freelance artists and people who don't need to work with a pipeline. Blender is slowly getting better for Pipeline integration, but it really doesn't like to play well yet within a studio where you're dealing with many different artists working on a shot, in possibly multiple DCCs.

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