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>They are failing badly IMO. Most developers I know hate the whole experience of using AWS.

It doesn't have to be great, only better than the alternatives. I would argue most devs prefer the rocky experience of AWS to working with their own operations people on aging hardware.

For now, maybe. But if your customers hate you, yet only a little less than they hate your competitors, all it takes is one new cloudSP to enter your market who ISN'T hated to completely wipe out the commodity low end of your business.

Maybe the major cloud players believe they can buy up new & unhated competitors before they can establish a loyal user base. That strategy has worked pretty well so far for the vendors of mobile computing -- which just happens to be the primary consumer of low end cloud services.

So if mobile can be commodified some day (the way unix workstations were by Linux), maybe basic cloud services can be too?

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