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> willing to look at informational resources once step above scientific controlled studies (unfortunately many folks are not).

The End of Alzheimer's by Dr Dale Bredesen is all about "scientific controlled studies" and comes to the same conclusion about keto diets. No need to be open-minded :)

All the books I read cite plenty of studies, including the one I mentioned, which is why I call it "one step above scientific studies", but you get called a whacko nonetheless if you or the author hold any opinions even moderately outside of the mainstream dialogue / mainstream medicine.

My original comment on this thread is at -1 even though what I said was factually correct (and I found all my linked sources above via exactly what I said, a quick Google search). Another of my comments on this post has the classic reply "ah but the author of your study has been accused of quackery if I google his name".

So I'd say a bit more open-mindedness would be in order.

Yes, I am sorry you are getting such responses. The bottom line is there are multiple causes and types of Alzheimer's. So there are also multiple preventative measures. I'm no expert but, like you, have studied and read a lot, and that's my take.

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