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The 400 was designed to be a cheap desktop computer, and not really a tool for hackers to play with. If you already have a computer, then why would you use a 400? Why not just get a 4?

Thanks to generous donations, we've provided thousands of these devices to children all over the UK, to enable them to access education, especially important during the pandemic. Providing an affordable computing platform was always the aim.

You can learn more and donate here - https://www.raspberrypi.org/support-learn-at-home/

Disclaimer - I work for The Raspberry Pi Foundation.

Hi, I'm, well, not entirely sure where the line lies between playing with computers, to me, most things worthwhile is some form of play.

Anyhow, I purchased it as a solution waiting for a problem, and I'm trying to find the problem with this post. I didn't mean to come across as overly negative, making such a product for the price point it has, is an achievement no doubt.

However, one can buy used "conventional" computers that are far more powerful than the pi, if one wishes a "cheap desktop computer".

What's attractive about the 400 is the formfactor and, well, it's something new to play with.. I'm truly trying to find out what to do with it, what the things are, where it'd be neat to have this tiny machine, that is totally silent, and can be always-on, probably next to my battlestations for a new usecase that I'd not want to reserve an entire workstation for.

So yea, sorry about the rant, but I'm asking this question not as a way to put down the 400, but to hear what people have used theirs for.

Having everything in one place does help - the traditional pis have so many cables and are prone to being flung off the desk.

Isn't the whole drive behind hacking to make something do things other than it was intended to do?

Why include the GPIO pins if at some level it wasn't intended to be a maker / hacker platform?

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