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How to Be a Heretic (spectator.co.uk)
14 points by leephillips on Nov 11, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

IDK it doesn't feel brave to me to say stuff like "there are two sexes". It just feels like trolling, or being tone deaf at best. You're not a martyr if that leads to you loosing your job, you're just stupid.

Agreed. "there are only two sexes" seems excessively imprecise. XXY or XYYYY and several other permutations exist.

Those are both male. There are only two sexes in humans. Furthermore, the XYYYY is super rare; one doesn’t falsify general statements by bringing up conditions whose incidence is vanishingly rare, except in the most uselessly pedantic sense. Also, XYYYY is male.

If flat Earthism became the dominant religion of those with institutional power, I wouldn’t be trolling nor tone deaf to insist on describing the true shape of the Earth. And if I knew this could get me banished, it would be brave. And I wouldn’t describe those victimized because of their insistence on repeating the truth stupid, I would call them martyrs to the truth, and victims of a resurgent fascism.

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