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> waiting 18 months or whatever

Seems like a problem with however your system distributes software, not with Pyjion.

What does it take 18 months to do?

Well for one I can't run Python 3.10 in production because I use AWS Elastic Beanstalk, which currently only supports 3.8. And my development environment is Ubuntu, which also doesn't support it out of the box. So short of scheduling two weeks to retool both my production and local development environments, which I'm not going to do because it would be a complete waste of time, there is zero benefit to me to even looking into this.

>Well for one I can't run Python 3.10 in production because I use AWS Elastic Beanstalk

And why wouldn't you want to try this in production in the first place?

Right, but those are you-problems. You use a way to get dependencies that's very slow. That's not a Pyjion problem.

> That's not a Pyjion problem.

I wasn't criticizing Pyjion, I was responding to coldtea's comment saying that people who can't run this in production would likely not be interested in trying it. I have zero issue with Pyjion, and I'm also happy with my production setup as is.

Check out pyenv, you can run whatever versions of python you want to without messing with the system or other virtualenvs.

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