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This is the problem (at least for me). It's the same as so many products (free ones especially), people care more about price than anything else, so businesses are incentivized to produce cheaper, ad supported lineups, and inevitably nobody buys a more expensive, ad-free version. It's the same for airfares (people would rather pay less and be treated like crap than get to be a human for a bit more), shopping (get treated like cattle at walmart but save $.5 on hotdogs or whatever).

With ads there is also the idea that the rates you can charge for ads are much lower if you let people pay to opt out, because basically you've pre-segmented for the cheapskates, when advertisers would like to advertise to those with money.

Bottom line, we're screwed

> people care more about price than anything else, so businesses are incentivized to produce cheaper, ad supported lineups, and inevitably nobody buys a more expensive, ad-free version

We know this because "contains large ads and spies on the user, and this cannot be disabled" is advertised as prominently as the price, right?

Why should it necessarily have anything to do with customer price sensitivity? No matter what the price point is and what the manufacturer’s margin is, the manufacturer will increase their margin by putting in ads. It doesn’t matter if it’s a $200 TV or a $10,000 TV.

yeah, the last line is quite true. I saw somebody posted a screenshot of their lockscreen with an ad. I've never seen that on my iPhone. But then with the new IOS, I've stopped all kinds of tracking and notifications.

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