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This post has several misconceptions and mistakes:

Never any locking them out because you noticed suspicious activity or anything bogus like that and making them provide personal details. That is abuse of trust and abuse of people

This misses why companies do this: to prevent account hijacking. It sucks to be locked out of your account, but it also sucks for someone to steal it. Various companies have made mistakes here, and some amount of false positives will happen with any detection system, but going all the way to "do not protect accounts" is not going to give a better experience for users on balance.

no one is writing them because there's no platform for them

Why not https://wordpress.com, or one of the many sites that hosts WordPress?

Blogger was shut down by Google years ago

Blogger is still running: https://blogger.com https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blogger_(service)

Nowadays people won't share content simply because they don't trust the internet to share content to it. You have to provide for them to be anonymous and protected forever, which means letting people create accounts easily with just an email or something similar ... They have to be able to blog without thinking someone is going to bring it up and file it away forever and maybe they won't get a job because of it, or their tyrannical government will think they're an agitator and attack them or an adversary will use it for selective characger defamation sometime.

This just isn't something that a blogging platform is going to be able to promise its users. Defending against countries is really hard, especially when your users are doing things that are (wrongly) against the law in those countries.

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