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Why do devs keep complaining or lamenting the status quo and ask every non-tech fellow to "just self-host your instance on the fediverse"?

Is it as easy to get an FB like functionality with a click of a button? If not, that isn't going to work. Average Joe Schmoe isn't going to just self-host an instance, even if he knew how to do so. Also, if there is a competing service to Facebook, it better have everything that Facebook offers, except for the recommended and sponsored content. That includes most importantly being able to connect with old friends, acquaintances and contacts seamlessly. Does Mastodon allow for all that with just a click of a button?

If not, then programmers should just stop whining about how they wish people were more like them and instead actually build something that can be used by Joe Schmoe.

I've tried various Mastodon clients before. I couldn't figure much out of how to use them in 5 minutes and the UI was crap so I just ditched them. Even if it were a good experience, the fact that I have to go through hoops to set up an instance, then get all my friends from Facebook or Whatsapp or whatever to join me in using it, is enough deterrent that makes me not bother with it (and no, we don't use Facebook either). One app that seems to be getting this concept right, but not fully there yet, is Telegram.

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