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> The ethical thing to do when you find a security breach is to report it to them.

Do you hold secret services and private hacking companies (Hacking Team, Cellebrite..) to the same standards? If not, why are you complaining about this instance of small-scale hacking for the lulz, and not about the actual insecurity industry who derives power/authority and money from hacking?

> If you support people who are willing to commit crime to get into power

I certainly don't. I despise power in all forms, unless you're talking power as in "empowerment" or "power to the people". I will however, defend and help anyone committing crimes to abolish power and injustice, because "justice" is not something that can be measured or achieved with the oppressors's tools, namely laws and repression.

If you don't support people who break unjust laws and help make those abusing power accountable, I really hope that you take some time to think about your political convictions, and what you would have thought of the Resistance movement against nazi occupation during WWII.

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