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> we'll find a way to show that Gödel's mu-recursive functions or Church's lambda calculus also precisely describe 'what a machine can do'?

This is already proven to be the case. Mu-recursion (which IIRC is not Godel's general recursive functions, despite what Wikipedia says; Kleene was the originator of the mu operator. Godel's general recursive functions are defined in a separate, but yet again equivalent way that directly extends primitive recursion), Turing machines, and the lambda calculus are all proven to be exactly equivalent to each other. The fact that these three independent approaches to computability are all equivalent is why we have strong informal justification that the Church-Turing Thesis (a non-mathematical statement) holds.

Separately, there's a sentiment that I've seen come up several times on HN that somehow the lambda calculus, mu-recursion, or general recursion is more "mathematical" and Turing machines are less "mathematical."

I want to push back on that. The mathematical field of computability is based almost entirely off of Turing machines because there are many classes of mathematical and logical problems that are easy to state with Turing machines and extremely awkward/almost impossible to state with the lambda calculus and mu-recursion (this is consistent with my previous statement that the three are all equivalent in power because computability theory often deals with non-computable functions, in particular trying to specify exactly how non-computable something is). The notion of oracles, which then leads to a rich theory of things like Turing jumps and the arithmetical hierarchy, is trivial to state with Turing machines and very unwieldy to state in these other formalisms.

Likewise the lambda calculus and mu-recursion (but not general recursion) provide a very poor foundation to do complexity theory in CS. Unlike Turing machines, where it is fairly easy to discern what is a constant time operator, the story is much more complicated for the lambda calculus, where to the best of my knowledge, analyzing complexity in the formalism of the lambda calculus, instead of translating it to Turing machines, is still an open problem.

There is indeed a mathematical elegance to Turing machines that makes it so that most of the mathematics of computability is studied with Turing machines rather than the lambda calculus.

The lambda calculus on the other hand is invaluable when studying programming language theory, but we should not mistake PLT to be representative of the wider field of mathematics or theoretical CS.

EDIT: I should perhaps make clear that if I put on my mathematical hat, mu-recursive functions seem like the most familiar formalism, because they align with a common way families of things are defined in mathematics (specify individual members and then generate the rest through some relationship). However, I would contend that for the majority of mathematicians outside of computability theory, the lambda calculus and Turing machines seem equally "strange."

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