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It seems that a couple of researchers have used RPis to analyze blood samples in an innovative way.

They are published: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9524612

So, you (OJFord) could not be bothered with either reading the simplified synopsis or if you did, understanding the original article.

Why even bother to comment, when you have nothing to give?

I have nothing bad to say against the researchers, as I said was likely, and as I ascertained to be the case after that and you commented on, it's just shoddy journalism. RPi is not the interesting part (at a stretch, a proxy for low powered compute?), 'Indian' is not the interesting part (but I can excuse that more readily as similar to 'XYZ university ...') and 'monitor health' is uselessly vague.

(The title could apply to a calorie counting app, running (arbitrarily) on a raspberry pi, for example.)

This valid contribution is dealt disservice with this title, and 'I (OJFord)' commented on that, 'giving', I hope, the suggestion that it might be better.

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