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Ask HN: Who visits the HN “new” tab?
13 points by Olshansky on June 21, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments
As a long-time reader of the front pager of Hacker News, I rarely scroll down to a subsequent page or visit the new tab. The exception is when I want to help promote the product/post of one of my friends. :)

Are there any stats on the group of people who visit and upvote posts in the new tab on a regular basis? Is there a core group of "power-users" curating what we all read? How large is this group?

I visit the “new” regularly. A lot of interesting content appears here that do not make it to the front page. This is why I like the concept of second chance pool[1] that gives interesting posts another chance for making it to the front page. In fact some of own posts were able to make it to the front page long after it slipped off the “new” page, as a result of the second chance pool.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/pool

I visit the 'new' tab regularly. So regularly that I created a newsletter curating stories that I find in there (as well as from other sources).

If you're curious about the newsletter, or just wanna read some stories that didn't make the front page, please see https://bengtan.com/interesting-things. Or see https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27492255 for more info.

I visit the first page of the front page, and then if I have time I scroll through all of New, sometimes until I see where I left off before.

The New page holds some of the most interesting content, similar to how "not appropriate" stack overflow questions and comments are the most interesting.

I was talking to a psychiatrist during a divorce many years ago. He was astounded that I had read Martin Seligman, from his profession, and called me a Renaissance man. Saw it on HN.


I do, doing it right now, to find links to post on my tumblelog https://plurrrr.com/. I do upvote things that interest me.

I do occasionally. I probably check the "Ask" tab the most in the hope that I can have an answer and be potentially useful for once.

I check threads first, got a few pages deep to keep up on the slower conversations that happen.

Then I check the main page, and go to item 300

Then I check "new"

Somewhere in there I check the price of bitcoin, even though I have none, and check email, etc.

Then I go check other places in a loop... it's been a boring year, and my physical activity tolerance is near zero, so I have a lot of time to waste.

I do. I don't use the front page, because I prefer to list the items in chronological order. (It would be good to include an option to force such chronological order everywhere, for users who want it, since a few lists currently do not support that)

I read the (first page of) new every time I am here... A lot of interesting stuff (techy wise, not biz) never gets to the frontpage..

on lazy days I just checkout the home page. on curious days where I'm open to fresh undiscovered stuff, the New tab is awesome.

I only visit "new" because I don't bother to trends, I only care about new stuff.

Me, myself and I.

New is where it's at.

Main site is usually going to be milquetoast.

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