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Just to clarify - Gambit, Chicken, and Carp all compile to portable C.

I hadn't realized LLVM mainline doesn't support Xtensa. I'm surprised.

D does support Xtensa via LDC (https://forum.dlang.org/thread/[email protected]...). It looks like GDC also nearly supports it, requiring only a minor patch at present.

A functioning LLVM backend does exist (https://github.com/espressif/llvm-project/issues/4) and appears to be making very slow progress towards being merged. A quick search shows that it works for Rust. I suspect (but don't know) that it might work for Terra as well.

There's also the LLVM C backend (https://github.com/JuliaComputingOSS/llvm-cbe) but I've no idea how efficient such an approach is when applied to real world embedded tasks.

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