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How does the speed compare with micropython?

They do both support very straightforward inline ASM, so there's an option for things that need the speed (LED matrix driving, etc) for either.

And there's also the option of just using brute force. Like the Teensy. It's kind of funny that a 32 bit 600MHz 1MB Ram device is now a "micro" controller.

That's not really what I'm getting at. Yeah you can inline ASM, but that kind of defeats the purpose. And yeah, micros are "powerful", but a 10x speed difference is still significant. "Speed" is a proxy for "power draw", and a 2 hour smartwatch is rather less useful than a 20 hour one.

They do have performance and benchmark pages. No direct comparison to micropython, but I assume you could recreate the crc32 and fibonacci ones.



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