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The beach has phone numbers and emails- why wouldn't they be able to contact those users with that information?

Facebook can't use the breach itself to contact users, no. The data could have been tampered with, and besides, Facebook doesn't have permission to process the leaked data in that way.

A company that employs dozes of data scientists and has petabytes of data is now supposedly unable to compare and match two datasets? Come on, this is beyond ridiculous.

Clearly they technically can. It's that the GDPR doesn't allow it.

Think about it... If you asked a company to delete your data, are you giving them permission to go refind that data on the dark web, cross reference it with records they should have deleted, and use it to send you email? Clearly not.

> It's that the GDPR doesn't allow it.

Source? Nothing prevents Facebook from making a public announcement that anyone that had an account on Facebook between dates X and Y might have been affected.

If GDPR prevents people from being notified that their data was breached, then the GDPR needs revision.

GDPR mandates notifying affected users, so there's no reason to change it.

Unfortunately there's a lot a misinformation around GDPR spreading online.

The post I was replying to was claiming the GDPR prevented it. If that is incorrect, then so be it. I'm American, so it largely doesn't directly affect me.

I doubt Facebook gives a shit about the GDPR

If they find a match against the leaked data, that would validate it and prove it had not been tampered with and at least allow them to contact a subset of users. Why can't they do that at least?

They can do that. They probably won't because they'll argue it's all part of peoples public profiles and therefore published information rather than private information.

That distinction doesn’t matter for the GDPR. Publicly available information can be personal data, even if the entire world knows about it.

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