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It's amazing what inventions people create about Israel while excusing an outright theocracy which executes violators of its religious laws (ok, some women who'd like to not wear a head cover just get 20 years in prison). Is the welfare of Iranians entirely secondary to yet another hopeless campaign against Israel?

You understand it is all on YouTube right? What is your next claim, that it is a cinematic production of some sort?

You can see the IDF soldiers harassing people in the checkpoints, catcalling the women and giving nicknames to people.

The objective seems to be to put as many obstructions to normal life as possible, so people just give up and move somewhere else.

Harass people until they protest, and once they protest just shoot them all. Starting by the paramedics.

Harass people in every form possible. Harass the fishermen with artillery shots, make people spend 4 hours every day in checkpoints, kill the olive trees, sabotage the water towers so they have a putrid smell, demolish the schools, send people to some kangaroo court and seize their property, burn children with white phosphorous, etc.

Why does Israel have so many armored bulldozers? (D9) What are they for? We all know what they are for.

I respect the Jewish people and the Jewish faith, I am part Jew myself although not religious. But what Israel is either doing or allowing to happen is not the way.

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