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I mean, sure, but it’s worth remembering that there are plenty of people who don’t have unilateral control over their living space or who find themselves in other situations where that isn't an immediately practical solution.

College kids in dorms, working adults with roommates, residents of cities with bad outdoor air quality, etc.

A $200 air purifier can make a world of difference: https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-air-purifier... (I own a Coway Airmega 200M.)

I bought a Temtop monitor to verify if the "smart mode" (where it only runs if the air quality is low): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07DHXQXGK/

I live in Los Angeles where the air quality isn't that great and in a rented apartment where I have limited choices. The air purifier made a dramatic difference in the first hour I had it and now it keeps the PM2.5 reading down to around 2-4 with minimal cycling.

I don't have any inside info, but I'd guess that the "people who use plug-ins to cover endemically bad smells in their living space" and the "people for whom a $200 air purifier is a viable solution" markets don't have a ton of overlap.

IIRC box fan + filter works as well as expensive systems.

>A $200 air purifier

Minimum wage is $7.25 in many states. Over 27 hours of gross income to buy that purifier.

The median income in the U.S. was $31,133 in 2019, putting that air purifier at over 13 hours of gross income.

I've been at my job 15 years, in the rare event that overtime is available a $200 air purifier would cost me approximately the net income of 10 hours of overtime.

Down to 2-4 from what level unfiltered?

How large a room is that in?

Doesn't mean you need to make the indoor air even worse.

You can handle most bad smells by having good habits (taking out the trash, not leaving food sitting around, washing clothes, etc). If it's your house in general, you should probably fix it instead of masking it, because it's probably mold.

It doesn't matter how good your own habits are if your roommate doesn't share them, for example, and not everyone has the power to quickly change their circumstance.

Just saying there's room for a little sympathy here.

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