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Let em guess, the work was paid with gridcoins.

Originally the main developers didn't request any compensation for this, but yes they will be compensated in Gridcoin. The reason for this is partly that Gridcoin is really community run and doesn't have much USD or other fiat just lying around, but with the history of the foundation address (not an organization), there's a fair amount of Gridcoin that can be spent on it and other tasks

let me rephrase:

"Originally it wasn't mean to be paid by printing "money" but then they did exactly that because somehow they hand no fiat lying around."

Its useless development paid by useless coins for the sake of making the useless coins spendable to pay for the useless development. A self-feeding nonsense system that happens to produce software that no one would actually want to pay for.

The whole system is only prevented from collapsing by the fact that some people hold on to the coins in hope of future profit and some may even buy them for that reason.

I just want to note that I meant originally for the 5.0.0 work the developers didn't request compensation, and so it hasn't been sent just yet since it the request was recent. It has nothing to do with being paid in Gridcoin or not.

> Its useless development paid by useless coins for the sake of making the useless coins spendable to pay for the useless development. A self-feeding nonsense system that happens to produce software that no one would actually want to pay for.

It's community run. There isn't really a "they" deciding anything or paying for things. It's not paid for so much as compensated. Some people have done work on it without requesting any compensation. I think you think there is a more formal system in place here than there is. The only reason there is a bunch of Gridcoin lying around in that foundation address for this is because of the transition from Gridcoin-Classic to modern Gridcoin [1] which arguably probably shouldn't have been done the way it was, but it's too late for anyone to reverse that decision from 2014.

As with the other thread, I don't think continuing this thread will be lead to very much either.

Lastly, I just want to note that for me, the reason that some of this doesn't matter as much to me personally (not that it doesn't matter at all) is because I view Gridcoin more as an addition to the science. If Gridcoin collapsed and went to zero, I still would have done something useful with my machines and helped science. I can't say that about many other coins.

[1] https://gridcoin.us/wiki/gridcoin-classic

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